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Welcome to AI Tracking You for the Greater Good!



We are now in a police state system and are in Phase 2 of its implementation. Trump signed in F•I•V•E•G• installments and/or funding as did my governor, Laura Kelly of Kansas, because, since everyone is working from home everyone need access to technology, right? They are doing it all for our good! (They are linking us to a authoritarian government and technology will track us). ⁣

I’ve never broached this directly but I will now-there are hundreds of studies on the dangers of F•I•V•E•G• and how it’s radiation affects are EXACTLY the same as C•O•V•I•D• and these studies are being removed from the internet. ⁣

C•O•V•I•D• is not a real illness. Read that. ⁣

C•O•V•I•D• is not real. ⁣

Are people dying? ⁣

Yes, they’re dying from SARS, old age, suicide, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, radiation effects, but no one is dying of the disease of C•O•V•I•D because it’s never been identified or isolated as a virus that is actually what’s causing these illnesses. ⁣

The reason they are teaching us to stay 6 feet apart is not for reduction of transmission, it’s so we can be tracked by an AI system. ⁣

When Five •J•E•E• is turned on and fully goes onto a grid we will see many, many more die but it’s going to be from radiation poisoning but will be blamed on C•O•V•I•D.. ⁣

And while some still sleep, this is what’s really going down.

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