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The Circus Continues – This whole plandemic is a farce, with an attempt to bring in mandatory vaccinations


The Circus Continues – This whole plandemic is a farce, with an attempt to bring in mandatory vaccinations.

By Jase Webster

On 19th August 2020 the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, announced that the government had a deal with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and would supply 25 million doses of their new Oxford COVID-19 vaccine, and it would be free and mandatory to all Australians (Prime Minister of Australia, 2020).

Social media channels and groups went crazy… accusing the PM of making illegal or unconstitutional decisions, or not taking into account personal choice or medical or other reasons why some people cannot or should not get this vaccination.

Then 2 interesting developments happened later that same day:

1. The PM backflipped on his decision to make the new COVID vaccine mandatory, saying in a later interview that people would be “encouraged” to get the vaccine, but it wouldn’t be made mandatory

2. Representatives of AstraZeneca gave their own press release to say that they did not actually have an agreement with the Australian government to supply so many vaccines, or when (or if) that might happen, or where the vaccines would be made.

The government will “encourage” people to get the COVID vaccine will no doubt be done with major coercion tactics, which is still highly unconstitutional and illegal. Much like the new rule (note, NOT a law) in NSW schools, that any student displaying ANY symptoms of COVID, will be excluded from the school immediately, and will not be able to return until having been tested for COVID and returning a negative test result. What is a kid sneezes from dust, or has hayfever (spring is coming very soon, being hayfever season), or coughs just ONCE from a dry throat? There goes their schooling for week or so EACH time this happens?

Meanwhile in Wuhan, China, being the centre of the outbreak, people are attending parties and a water park in their thousands, and with no social distancing or masks, or a vaccine in sight…

Some of my thoughts on the PM’s decision:

1. The PM’s announcement was extremely premature, as the AZ/Oxford vaccine is only in Phase 3 trials, with no guarantee at all that it will a) work, or b) be safe, or c) not cause more infections or side effects than the actual infection (as other vaccines do)

2. Vaccine development and testing normally takes 7-10 years. The Oxford vaccine has been only several months in development and fast-tracked testing. This doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence about their product

3. Speaking of testing, the Oxford vaccine has not been done properly so far – they have not used an inert placebo in their clinical trials! They used a completely different vaccine as the “control” or placebo group, being the dangerous Meningitis vaccine (Folegatti et al. 2020). This ploy is done deliberately by the manufacturer to hide the side effects and reactions to make the vaccine appear “safer” than if it were actually tested against a true inert placebo such as saline

4. Will COVID be the excuse to bring in the new “No jab, no social security benefits”, “no jab, no travel”, “no jab, no work”, “no jab, no money” or “no jab, no food” plan for control of the adult population in Australia? Many have predicted this earlier in the plandemic, and it is seemingly coming true. Is this ok with you?

5. Why didn’t the PM support one of the several Australian companies performing vaccine trials?!

6. Why do we even need a vaccine at all, when the virus only causes issues in those who already have chronic health issues? For example, there are no child, teen, adolescent or young adult deaths in Australia at all. In fact, no women under the age of 50 have died from COVID! NONE! Those who have sadly died all had one or more chronic health

7. Why do 100% of the population need such a vaccine when 99.9% of people who allegedly have it, SURVIVE and without any vaccine?!

8. Why is a vaccine needed when incidence rates and death rates all over the world are at their lowest levels after just a few months? The SARS and MERS coronavirus pandemics died out on their own, similarly after a few months, and without any vaccine.

9. If masks are allegedly effective, then why do we need a vaccine?

10. If there is a risk from taking a vaccine, then it cannot be made mandatory, and must not be done via coercion. As all vaccines have a risk of side effects or adverse events, any vaccine cannot and must not be mandated. Accepting side effects or even death from a vaccine (which DOES happen) for “the greater good of others”, is a BS concept,
and is not acceptable

11. Since there is a risk with every vaccine, but more so with a fast-tracked vaccine (i.e., less safety testing being done), why are the vaccine manufacturers granted indemnity to lawsuits where their product may injure, maim or kill someone? Is this a risk you are willing to take?

12. Why should everything in the future be linked to getting the COVID vaccine? As I wrote about months ago, there are many future plans being implemented that the coronavirus is simply the excuse to enable them. More people started to see this when the PM made his recent ridiculous announcement.

People who have expressed opinions or concerns in social media groups, or in public against the PM’s decision are not “anti-vaxers”. They are simply concerned about a questionable vaccine that still doesn’t exist, and all future plans of their lives being controlled and linked to an exaggerated virus epidemic and being forced to have an untested and (at this point) unsafe and unnecessary vaccine, for an infection that is no worse than the flu, based on a dodgy PCR test and manipulated statistics of incidences and deaths, where people are allegedly dying in droves from a virus, but really dying of one or more chronic health conditions instead.

People are becoming more awake to the fact that we cannot trust the media, and cannot trust their elected representatives in government, to actually tell the truth. This whole plandemic is a farce, with an attempt to bring in mandatory vaccinations, control over your lives in every way. Don’t let this happen.

We should all be questioning every government minister’s decision, to keep them honest and knowing that they represent us and are supposed to make positive decisions FOR us, and not what their corporate masters or globalists want. Write and complain to your local and federal member, to express your concerns, and tell them what you will do with your vote in the next state or federal election. You MUST tell your representatives, or they will get away with this, and your life and that of your kids will never be the same again.

Stay healthy, and question everything.

CREDIT: Ross Walter

Original Source

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