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Trudeau, Smith Express Sorrow After Firefighter Dies in Jasper National Park

Trudeau, Smith Express Sorrow After Firefighter Dies in Jasper National Park

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is “heartbroken” by the news that a 24-year-old firefighter from Calgary has died while on duty in Jasper National Park.

Trudeau’s condolences are among many being posted to social media about the firefighter, who the RCMP say was based out of the Rocky Mountain House area, about 200 kilometres north of Calgary.

Police say they learned Saturday afternoon that an Alberta Wildland Fire Employee was seriously injured by a falling tree while fighting an active fire north of Jasper.

He was taken from the scene via a STARS air ambulance and later died.

Trudeau wrote on the X platform that the firefighter “served Albertans with unwavering bravery, and his loss is deeply felt.”

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith expressed her sadness at the tragic loss and offered condolences to the family and friends of the firefighter.

“We are forever grateful for the courageous wildland firefighters who risk their lives every day to protect others,” Smith said on X.

Occupational Health and Safety has been informed and will be investigating the man’s death.

Parks Canada reported Saturday that the fire in the park was still burning out of control. Dean MacDonald, deputy incident commander with Parks Canada, said the size of the fire was estimated to be 32,000 hectares.

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