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Bangladesh PM resigns and flees country as protesters storm palace (VIDEO) — RT World News

Bangladesh PM resigns and flees country as protesters storm palace (VIDEO) — RT World News

The South Asian country has been engulfed in violence as student activists have demanded a fairer recruitment system for government jobs

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina fled the country via military helicopter on Monday after which the South Asian nation’s army chief announced that an interim government would be formed.  

The development comes following weeks of violent protests that have engulfed the country and have reportedly resulted in hundreds of deaths as rioters have clashed with police. On Monday, the protesters stormed the prime minister’s palace in the capital of Dhaka, demanding Hasina’s resignation. 

In an emergency press conference, Bangladesh army chief Waker-uz-Zaman announced that Hasina had resigned and that a new interim government would now be formed to run the country. He called on the protesters to disperse and go home, asking citizens to maintain their trust in the army, which will work to restore peace.

Zaman vowed that all the deaths that have occurred over the past few weeks of violent protests will be investigated and asked the demonstrators to give the army “some time” as it works to find a solution to the crisis.

He also said that the representatives of all the main political parties of the country have been invited to collaborate in forming the interim government and are already in discussions with the army.


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