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Why So Many of Negative Comments on YouTube Whitehouse Website When Joe Biden Was Bringing People Together?


Why So Many of Negative Comments on YouTube Whitehouse Website When Joe Biden Was Bringing People Together?

By New Zealand Times

How funny is this!
Earlier today, I accidentally went into the Youtube whitehouse website
I saw lots of negative confused comment – nothing vicious, more confused about why the Whitehouse climate change affects different races differently.
So I asked why there was so much of these negative comments and so few positive comments when Joe Biden was bringing people together?
Then I said, maybe it was just to bring everyone together in confusion.
I said maybe the Biden White House should just do what people who get a lot of negative comments on social media when they talk about doing horrible things like blocking the sun’s rays etc Like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab do. ie turn off their comments area.
And only 8 hours later, you guessed it! Off came the comments!
At least they kept the Like Dislike Button.
Wow! a lil ol Australian may have helped the White House
You’re Welcome!

Here’s what others had to say:

John Pike
Such a popular regime!!

Rob Fletcher
Psaki is running the country.

Original Source

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