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Who Exactly Funds the CDC?


Who Exactly Funds the CDC?

By USA Tomorrow

Who exactly FUNDS the CDC?
Well, I wanted to know, so I made this list of notables compiled from the huge list found on their website.
-Bank of Commerce
-Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation👀
-Cambridge University Press👀
-Charles Schwabb Corp👀
-Cisco Systems
-Citi Bank
-Coca Cola
-CNN/ Time Warner👀
-Data Processing Management Inc
-Delta Airlines
-Diazyme Labs👀
-E.T. enterprises
-General Electric
-General Mills
-General Motors
-Government of Canada👀👀👀
-Hampton Inn
-Hilton Hotels
-Infectious Disease Counsultants Inc
-Johnson and Johnson👀
-Liberty Mutual
– MailChimp
-NY society of Infectious Diseases
-NorthAmerican Vaccine Inc
-Oxford University👀
-Proctor&Gamble (PG)👀
-Quaker Oats
-Quest Diagnostics👀
-Trojan Condoms
-World Health Communications Inc

All of these companies have played a role in the pandemic.
I find some extremely alarming in that they appear to have benefited GREATLY from it over the course of the last year and a half.
ALL of these corporations should be investigated for conflict of interest.
Does the CDC have a board of non-affiliated citizens to audit their funding?
Where is the oversight?
Is it an internal committee?
That in and of itself is a conflict of interest.

Links for those who wish to seek more companies and labs that fund this crooked agency:

Original Source

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