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When The Blind Lead The Blind … And They All Fall Into The Ditch


By Chris Rossini

Two types of erroneous thinking (acted out) have caused tremendous pain for humanity.

The first is the man who believes it is his task to organize all life under his command. The list of excuses to justify his delusions are numerous. Maybe he thinks he’s genetically superior, or intellectually superior, or racially superior, or that God gave him this special task. Whatever the justification he comes up with, he has decided to believe that all humans are clay, and he is the sculptor.

If this man’s ideas remain with him, the possibility exists that he may come to see the error in his thinking, but even if he doesn’t, there’s very little damage that he could do to humanity as a whole. He may sit in a coffee shop and stew, but he can’t act out his delusions on any type of scale.

But there’s another type of erroneous thinking that enters the mix. The second man, who who believes that he is perpetually inferior. He yearns for someone else to come and save him, make him feel secure and safe. He wants to be taken care of from cradle to grave. He wants something for nothing.

Once again, if this man’s ideas remain with him, the possibility exists that he sees the error in his thinking, but even if he doesn’t, there’s very little damage that he could do to humanity as a whole. He may sit in a coffee shop and whine about how he’s entitled to everything, but unless he wants to be arrested for theft, he can’t act out his something for nothing desires on any type of scale.

However, A GREAT BIG PROBLEM arises when the errors in thinking of these two men coincide.

You see, the first man needs believers in his imaginary superiority and ability to organize life under his command. Meanwhile, the second man, who believes in his imaginary inferiority is immediately attracted to the first man like a moth to a flame. Their interests coincide.

Now the damage that can be done by these two forms of erroneous thinking escalates. It comes out of the coffee shop and into the rest of the world … a “movement” begins.

The quest is to accumulate more believers in the first man and more victims that can join the second.

In a free society, where individuals value Liberty, everyone can believe whatever they want. As long as no one is permitted to use aggressive violence, civilization can continue to flourish.

Well … that setup doesn’t work for the two erroneous thinkers. The man who sees all humans as clay for him to mold, needs aggressive violence to force everyone to obey him.

The second man clearly understands where his entitlements come from, so he’s all for the first man using violence if that’s what needs to be done.

And so the #1 Goal if these two men are to make aggressive violence acceptable.

The foundation of a free society has to be turned upside down.

The first man must be exempt. He must have the power to use aggressive violence.

Once this ‘new deal’ is accepted….once a person (or group of people) are permitted to use aggressive force, civilization begins its decline.

Unexpectedly, the first man immediately notices that he has some competition. Others come out of the woodwork who believe that they are the superior ones. They know the blueprint on how to organize humanity. They are the sculptors.

The second man also finds some unexpected competitors. Others come out of the woodwork who believe that they are more entitled than him! They should get the stolen loot. Their cause is the righteous cause.

Politics …. lobbyists … wars … welfare … All battles to take control of the violent force. The blind lead the blind and they all fall into the ditch.

The foundation of civilization is very easy to understand. Liberty is rooted in the non-aggression principle. Live and let live. You keep your hands off me and my stuff, and I keep my hands off you and your stuff.

No aggressive force is permitted.

Force is for self-defense purposes only.

No one is exempt.

When such principles are generally accepted, the mass delusions will certainly subside. The erroneous thinkers will no longer have a tool to live out their superiority and inferiority fantasies. Their ideas will be  sequestered to the coffee shops.

Civilization will resume its upward climb.

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