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What the media will never dare tell you – Nearly 20% of Australia has been tested


What the media will never dare tell you – Nearly 20% of Australia has been tested.

By Jen Clarke

Well and truly statistically valid enough to make assumptions. 4,630,000 who had to present with some sort of risk factor.

There are currently 8,000 active cases or 0.032% of the Australian Population – hence the need to talk about total cases which look worse at 0.0792% of the Australian population

Death rate? 0.00102% across Australia population. Or 0.0055% across every single test conducted. 300% MORE people died from falling over last year in Australia. Globally 500,000 children under 5 died last year from Diarrhea, and 4,000 Australians died last year from asbestos related illness.

Hospitals? At March 2020 “There are 191 ICUs in Australia with 2378 available intensive care beds during baseline activity” COVID is resulting in 2% (52) of ICU hospital beds being used ………WITHOUT any extra ICU beds being created of which “ICUs report capacity to increase intensive care beds by up to 191%.”. Even if 100% of COVID hospital admissions were added into the ICU unit – with increased capacity to 4815 beds – there would still be 87% spare capacity.

300% expected deaths increase from suicide. 1,500,000 extra deaths from TB over the next 5 years. Cancer diagnosis tests are down 80% In a year or so when the politicians have bled the system out and tell you that no vaccine is available and your just gonna have to get herd immunity…..

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