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Westerners foolish believe it’s only China, Russia, and North Korea that suffer propaganda and somehow our news is news and not propaganda


Westerners foolish believe it’s only China, Russia, and North Korea that suffer propaganda and somehow our news is news and not propaganda

By Klaudia Kalutia

Here’s what others had to say:

Ignoring the veracity of the content it is the height of hypocrisy that this comes from North Korea… Where only one opinion is correct and will keep you away from the labor camps or being put to death, the opinion of the State.

Ryan Gorbachev
it is important to realize, no one could ever use anything from the new testament to justify a single one of these atrocities. Every power hungry leader USED the beloved , trusted name of Christ to gain authority and enable them. Christ is power, once that power is gotten, it can be perverted. such is the drama of life, power is obtained, power is abused. Korea, China, are peaceful countries, it’s true, not abusive, intelligent, Christianity is an attempt to raise up people to that level of peaceful intelligent consciousness

Nick Tronson
If the whole war went to physical warfare, it would only possible for HYPOCRITES to win.

Super Awesome Science
Don’t the North Koreans do the same exact thing with their people? In fact, all nations across the world?

Girl Has No Name
…they aren’t wrong

everyday person
Watching this now, must say I agree with all of it, I am not a commie though.


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