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Victorian Police continue their unnecessary violence against innocent protesters in Melbourne


By David Limbrick MP

I think I’m now the only politician who has witnessed first hand both the BLM protest back in June and the anti lockdown protest today.

Were they treated differently? Absolutely yes. Shocking.

Police forced us all into crowded spaces where social distancing was impossible. They wouldn’t allow anyone to leave and took everyone away one by one to “process”, including me and one of my staff. We were held like herded cattle for hours. I witnessed young women break down with panic attacks and an old man get treated heavy handed because he wanted to go to the toilet. When we asked for water, they found a bucket and dipped cups in it and handed them out. Gross.

I made multiple attempts to engage with police to ask questions about what was happening but they refused to talk or allow anyone to leave unless it was a medical emergency.

The right to freedom of assembly does not currently exist in this state.

Original Source

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