Trump is ‘Holding the fort against a merciless campaign to wipe out history’.
Alan Jones says Trump is holding the fort against a merciless campaign to “wipe out our history … and indoctrinate out children”.
“Trump spoke for the world at Mount Rushmore on July 4 when he spoke of, there as here, ‘a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values and indoctrinate our children’.
“And that is why this election is not just about America.”
Mr. Jones said the President rightly argued, “there is new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance… if you do not follow its demands… you will be censured and punished”.
“That is not going to happen to us,” President Trump said.
“We will not be tyrannised. We will never surrender the spirit of July 4, 1776.”