By Jen Clarke (Melbourne ANR Correspondent)
JobKeeper made everyone compliant and controllable. It also conditioned people to live on govt payments.
That is Stage 1 successfully completed. And due to wrap up soon.
Stage 2 (when even more businesses collapse and industries are destroyed) is the UBIC. “Universal Basic Income”.
I’ve been talking about this since JobKeeper came in. Of course I have been accused of being a Conspiracy Theorist.
Conspiracy, YES! Theory, NO!
They are selling the idea hard right now in the UK. See Billboard Poster on bus stop.
Promise everyone a set income from the govt, so long as you continue to comply with everything.
No comply – No income.
Stage 3: Social Credit Score system
No comply – No income – No food – No water – No control.
Slowly Slowly they own every single facet of you and your life – you will be living but only existing – and only on their terms.
Oh and your body is also theirs now with the mRNA operating system making you synthetic as well as making your actions and wellness controllable.
And what’s The End Game? From my research, you really don’t want to know.