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The Australian National Review stands behind the Vaxxed bus‘s rights to inform Australians about the death and injuries caused to so many young Australian children and the Government attempts to stop them is appalling abuse of human rights


The Australian National Review stands behind the Vaxxed bus‘s rights to inform Australians about the death and injuries caused to so many young Australian children and the Government attempts to stop them is appalling abuse of human rights.

By Staff Reporter


Friday, October 30, 2020

The Vaxxed bus was at Christison Park, Vaucluse this afternoon until about 4pm.

They were moved on from Centennial Park this morning.

Not many visitors today. Police car came and observed it for a while and then left.

They did have one abusive lady from Watson’s Bay get out of the car and start abusing Meryl and Leah, but they stood their ground and respectfully and politely stated the facts to her and what they were doing. The only comeback from that lady was more abuse and saying I don’t believe it because you are all lying. She did tell the bus to all go back to Queensland and even politely point which way was north. That was the only correct information that came out of her mouth during the conversation.

It was all recorded, so they may release footage of the entertainment later. The bus is going to be in the Northern Suburbs tomorrow and at this stage Guildford on Sunday.

It’s a bus dedicated to the voice of the victims and the families of the injured and those that have passed away. These victims must continue to be given a platform, so they can have their voices heard. It’s the least we can do.

Meryl is such an inspirational and beautiful human being that I had the honour of meeting today. A beautiful day for me and my son.

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