New Nationwide Poll Shows President Trump Leading Joe Biden.
By Travis
We’ve heard it for months now from Democrats and the fake news media..
“Joe Biden holds a huge lead over President Donald Trump.”
A new nationwide poll just released says the exact opposite.
Rasmussen Reports shows President Trump now has a slight lead over Joe Biden, 48% to 47% among likely voters.
Rasmussen Reports shows President Trump now has a slight lead over Joe Biden, 48% to 47% among likely voters.
It’s neck-and-neck, with President Trump just barely ahead in Rasmussen Reports’ first daily White House Watch survey.
The latest national telephone and online survey finds Trump edging Democrat Joe Biden 48% to 47% among Likely U.S. Voters. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, while two percent (2%) remain undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Last Wednesday, Biden held a 49% to 46% lead, but the race has been tightening since early in the month. This is the first time Trump has been ahead since mid-September.
Rasmussen Reports has been releasing White House Watch weekly on Wednesdays since the beginning of July. But starting today, White House Watch will be posted daily at 9:30 am Eastern.
If you are following the Rasmussen polls, things appear to be turning around for President Trump.
Another of their polls shows that Trump’s approval among black voters has also jumped considerably.
The Washington Examiner with more on the changing tides:
As the election season enters its last week, President Trump is on the move, ahead of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in Monday’s debut of the daily Rasmussen Reports head-to-head poll.
In its now daily White House Watch, Rasmussen has Trump at 48% and Biden at 47%, the latest sign that the election has tightened in the 11th hour.
What’s more, the pollster Trump prefers to follow and tout has his approval rating at 52%, a key factor to winning reelection. Former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama were both at 50% when they edged out reelection victories.
The poll data showed Trump building an unusual coalition. For example, 27% of black people said they would choose the president if the election were held today. In 2016, he won 8% of the black vote.