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It’s ‘abundantly clear’ that ‘we’re not all in this together’


It’s ‘abundantly clear’ that ‘we’re not all in this together’.

By Sky News Australia


Sky News host Rita Panahi says the “great divide” between the private and public sectors has become all the more apparent “in the age of COVID”.

“It’s been a year now that we’ve been bombarded with the phrase: ‘We are all in this together’,” Ms Panahi said.

“That’s what we were told at the start of this COVID crisis and just about every day since.

“But it’s always been a load of bollocks; those with skin in the game, the small business owners, the investors, the self-funded retirees, those working in tourism, hospitality, aviation and a number of other industries have seen their livelihoods destroyed while public servants making the decision to lockdown have remained on full salaries with no fear of losing their jobs.

“But while tens of thousands of small business owners have watched their assets and savings be decimated, we’re learning that fat cat bureaucrats have been pocketing big bonuses,” Ms Panahi said.

She looked at a recent investigation which revealed public servants across several agencies and departments have been paid close to $100 million in bonuses over the 18 months to the end of 2020.

“For those under enormous financial stress wondering how they’ll pay their staff or their mortgage it is abundantly clear that we are not all in this together,” she said.

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