George Soros funded Nambla sponsors Ted Talk to promote “we should understand and accept paedophiles and it’s just a natural sexual orientation“
By Carrie Cohan
I infiltrated NAMBLA in 1999 when I started my horrific 17-year voluntary career as an international expert on paedophilia and Federal Gov’t Witness… Where I amended 14 laws to protect children from predators and cult organizations.
After reporting Nambla to the police and seeing their hands were tied, I decided to pretend to be a man and joined as a member of Nambla to receive evidence against them… No matter what we found, they seemed to be protected in the USA by the then gov’t. I received their newsletters and even bought their programs offered… How to groom; What to say to the police if caught; and where are the best places to find little boys (and girls)… Wow! I couldn’t believe what came in the mail, and worse yet, that the police couldn’t stop this organization of highly connected men/predators!
NAMBLA stands for North American Man-Boy Love Association and they target boys groups and organizations.
They were also the ones who brought Sex Ed into our schools in North America. In 1999 they openly bragged to their membership, their plan was working! Their goal was to get children talking and curious about sex at even the youngest ages. Because if they could do this, that gave them an open door to grooming children with videos of adults having sex and conversations about it. Nambla said, ‘it’s taught in schools, therefore sex ‘with and for’ kids is being normalized’
This is the message they shared with us 21 years ago!!! Normalization of Man-Boy Love was their goal… And here we are!
They believed even babies and newborns were sexual because of the horrific studies performed on babies, infants and children in the 60s in the name of science.
This is the degradation of society with the most heinous thoughts and actions!
If there was no other time to stand up and say ENOUGH!!!!
Please share with your family, friends and neighbours and peacefully speak out! Vote with your pocketbooks and veto all companies who support demonic actions such as ‘normalizing child rape’ (let’s call it what it is!) And together let’s claim back our blessed lives for our children’s children’s sake!