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Did the Gates Foundation Actually Sterilize Hundreds of Thousands of Young Girls in India?


Did the Gates Foundation Actually Sterilize Hundreds of Thousands of Young Girls in India?

By Ben Swann

Documentarian Mikki Willis told Ben Swann that he had to go to India to obtain documentation that vaccine programs, developed by Bill Gates, who has zero medical training, have killed and injured over a million people, as this information has been scrubbed off of the internet. HPV vaccines in India left more than half a million women sterilized, and seven girls and women dead. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, and groups tied to this vaccine trial never paid damages as a result of this case, but the vaccine programs were banned in India. Incredibly, Gates-supported vaccines are making their way back into the country.

Willis said that Gates was involved in multiple oral polio vaccine campaigns across Africa that caused widespread paralysis in people who received the treatment, mostly babies and small children. Henry Kissinger’s Memorandum-200 indicates an agenda to reduce Africa’s population growth to zero. The motive may be to make it easier to control the continent’s natural resources. The memorandum states, “Whether through government action, labor conflicts, sabotage, or civil disturbance, the smooth flow of needed materials will be jeopardized. Although population pressure is obviously not the only factor involved, these types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of slow or zero population growth.”


Supporting documents shown in the video:

Kissinger Memorandum 200

Original Source

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