Deadly Dan who backed the China plan could be in one of his Victorian courts.
By Jim O’Toole, Townsville Bureau
What has happened to Premier Dan Andrews? After it was dutifully reported by Victoria’s captive media he “fell down the stairs and broke his ribs” at a mansion owned by transport magnate Lindsay Fox, his tweets, other than a photo-shopped picture of him in a hospital bed and a “happy Easter” message have disappeared into the ether.
Being a Labor Premier of a rogue Chinese state has its moments and fighting off a flu virus and overseeing the deaths of more than 800 age care residents across Melbourne occupied most of Dan’s time. When he had a tantalising opportunity to visit Linfox’s luxury home at Portsea, fortuitously the highway-hardened truck driver’s son Andrew too was in lockdown at the seaside.
Transport magnate Lindsay Fox’s residence at Portsea
Opposition MP Louise Staley attacked the Premier during Parliamentary question time in January for hob-nobbing with billionaire Lindsay Fox and cracking $10,000 bottles of wine when one business in Melbourne alone lost $10,000 in one day due to a snap Covid lockdown.
During Question Time, Ms Staley asked flatly how many helicopter flights or other gifts the Premier had received from the Fox family.
Mr Andrews said the only helicopters flights he had taken recently were to bushfire-affected areas.
“I meet with many people about many different issues,” Mr Andrews said.
“I behave appropriately at all times, that is the oath that I swore and if the conspiracy theorists opposite wants to make a claim or allegation, go ahead and do it.”
According to The Age there is no dispute that Andrews is a regular and welcome visitor to the Fox’s den. The most recent occasion The Age is aware of was January 9, two days after Andrews returned to work from a short summer break.
It was a Saturday night and the Premier and his wife, Catherine, made the familiar drive from their Mulgrave home to the Fox’s sprawling cliff-top compound that overlooks Portsea’s Point King Beach.
Seated around the table were Lindsay Fox and his wife, Paula, the Premier and his wife, tech entrepreneur Andrew Bassat and Luke Sayers, a former PricewaterhouseCoopers chief executive.
The Fox family were also in lockdown in Portsea. Andrew Fox, the son of trucking magnate Lindsay, and his family were enjoying isolation at the family’s clifftop compound.
Dancing during lockdown at the Lindsay Fox mansion overlooking Portsea Point King Beach posted by Bella, Andrew Fox’s daughter
His daughter Bella has shared videos on social media of the family partying on table tops in the midst of a pandemic. Ironically, the Mornington Peninsula, which includes Portsea, has recorded 36 cases of COVID-19 whereas the city of Melbourne has 32.
Dan Andrews and Andrew Fox, one of three Fox sons who control parts of the family business across logistics, airports and property, are particularly fond of one another’s company, with a shared passion for good red wines and fine whisky.
Through Fox and friends like promotions guru Michael Gudinksi, Eddie McGuire and multimillionaire businessman Gerry Ryan owner of Jayco Caravans, Andrews has gained entry into the seductive world of Melbourne’s uber-rich.
“They spend a lot of time in one another’s company talking shit and coming up with ideas that can bring their collective interests to bear,” a Labor source says.
Shortly before Christmas, staff who work for Andrews, Andrew Fox and Ryan were treated to a nosh-up at Vue de monde, one of Melbourne’s priciest restaurants. In response to questions from The Age, Andrews declined to say who picked up the bill.
Ryan, like the Foxes, is an investor in Luke Sayers’ consultancy. Like Fox, he stands to benefit if the Andrews government backs a new quarantine facility at Avalon Airport .
Scuttlebut in a tightly controlled police state like Victoria eventually gets past the borders thanks to communist dissenters who have evaded the Zuckerberg crackdown on fair commentary on his Facebook.
Some of the ardent, well-connected commentators claim to have knowledge of Dan Andrews not behaving “appropriately” while visiting Fox’s Portsea residence, in spite of his earlier statement in Parliament.
The Facebookers allege Andrews is fighting a rape charge in court, under the radar naturally, for a dalliance with one of Lindsay Fox’s grand-daughters aged 17.
In return Andrews is said to be prosecuting his assailants for bashing him senseless over the alleged rape.
Who knows, after discovering the intrinsically connected Communist Chinese Party’s Belt and Road involvement with Andrews and the Labor government that flew under the national radar for some time added to persistent stories of dozens of Chinese aircraft night-flying into Melbourne airports during the lockdowns, anything is possible in the Garden State.