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CANDACE Owens has shockingly claimed that President Joe Biden has “Dementia”


CANDACE Owens has shockingly claimed that President Joe Biden has “Dementia”.

By Luke Kenton

CANDACE Owens has shockingly claimed that President Joe Biden has “dementia” after he appeared to lose his train of thought and mumble incoherently during his excruciating first solo press conference.

The conservative firebrand made the accusation on Twitter on Thursday afternoon, just hours after Biden took questions from reporters for the first time since being sworn in as commander-in-chief 64 days ago.

Candace Owens has shockingly claimed that President Joe Biden has "dementia" after he appeared to lose his train of thought during his excruciating first solo press conference

Candace Owens has shockingly claimed that President Joe Biden has “dementia” after he appeared to lose his train of thought during his excruciating first solo press conference


The conservative firebrand made the accusation on Twitter on Thursday afternoon, just hours after Biden took questions from reporters

The conservative firebrand made the accusation on Twitter on Thursday afternoon, just hours after Biden took questions from reporters



That tweet followed on from a similar message she penned less than 30 minutes before, in which she also raised questions about Biden’s health.

“Are we supposed to feign surprise when Biden announces that he’s stepping down as President to deal with health issues, or can we all honestly acknowledge that installing Kamala Harris was their plan all along?,” she wrote.

“Because I’m going to need time to work on my fake-surprised face.”

Owen’s comments appeared to come in reference to Biden completely forgetting what he was talking about while answering a question about the filibuster earlier Thursday.

“I’m going to say something outrageous,” Biden began. “I have never been particularly poor at calculating how to get things done in the United States Senate.”

Fumbling over his words, Biden continued: “So the best way to get something done, if you, if you hold near and dear to you that you like to be able to.”

After a few awkward seconds of silence, Biden let out an elongated “Anyway,” before changing the subject.

Owen's comments appeared to come in reference to Biden completely forgetting what he was talking about while answering a question about the filibuster earlier Thursday

Owen’s comments appeared to come in reference to Biden completely forgetting what he was talking about while answering a question about the filibuster earlier Thursday


Owens' Thursday tweet is not the first time she's questioned Biden's physical health. Earlier this month, the staunch Trump ally once again claimed the president had 'dementia'

Owens’ Thursday tweet is not the first time she’s questioned Biden’s physical health. Earlier this month, the staunch Trump ally once again claimed the president had ‘dementia’

The strange moment came as just one of many during the 62-minute press conference in which Biden either appeared confused or seemed to lose his train of thought entirely.

He took 10 questions during the address, repeatedly consulting a three-ring binder in front of him as he spoke to reporters.

The first awkward moment came while Biden was answering a question from PBS journalist Yamiche Alcindor about the crisis unfolding at the US-Mexico border.

After speaking for four-minutes about the surge in migrants flocking to the US, Biden said, “And the other thing we’re doing, I might add,” before interrupting himself to ask, “Am I giving you too long of an answer? Because if you don’t want the detail …”

“I don’t know how much detail you want about immigration,” he added. “Maybe I’ll stop there.”

The strange moment came as just one of many during the 62-minute press conference, in which Biden either appeared confused or seemed to lose his train of thought

The strange moment came as just one of many during the 62-minute press conference, in which Biden either appeared confused or seemed to lose his train of thought

At another point, Biden took a question on what action he was seeking to take on gun control, following two mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder over the last few weeks.

When asked whether he’d act alone or with Congress, Biden responded “all of the above”, continuing that making progress on gun reform was about “timing”.

He then spoke uninterrupted for several minutes about infrastructure.

Biden pledged to discuss more details in his latest efforts to tackle America’s crumbling roads and bridges “tomorrow” on his planned trip to Pittsburg – despite the trip actually being slated for next Wednesday.

There was more confusion at the very end of his presser when Biden said he’d take one more question, before answering it and walking away before hearing the follow-up.

“Folks, I’m going” he said as he exited the stage, leaving his facemask behind on the podium.

President Joe Biden arrives to speak during a news conference in the East Room of the White House

President Joe Biden arrives to speak during a news conference in the East Room of the White House

Owens’ Thursday tweet is not the first time she’s questioned Biden’s physical health.

After Biden fell up the steps of Air Force One last Friday, she once again claimed the 46th US president was suffering with “dementia”.

“It’s difficult to fall 3 times while going up a flight of steps. Managing to make your left shoulder blade hit the carpet in the process is rarely accomplished—even in a game of Twister,” she wrote.

“Biden has dementia but let’s wait for CNN to tell us this is just another adorable gaffe!”

After the White House blamed the fall on the wind, Owens followed up: “Climate change, guys. Climate change is to blame for Biden’s fall. Now stop talking about it!”

The President has not taken a cognitive test for dementia and his medical and surgical history released in 2019 made no reference to him suffering from the condition.

Late last year, Biden was forced to wear the protective boot for “several weeks” after x-rays revealed a “hairline fracture” in his foot sustained while playing with his dog Major.

Biden also suffered from two brain aneurysms in the late 1980s – one of which ruptured.

His condition was later complicated by deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, but does not currently pose a serious threat to his health.

In a 2019 medical summary, Dr Kevin O’Connor of The George Washington University dubbed the president as “healthy” and “vigorous.”

Original Source

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