Australians awaken as mass protests planned to remove Dictator Dan Andrews.
If you follow me at all, don’t miss this post.
Australia, we are officially at war. Many of us have been saying this for some time, but there is absolutely no denying it now. Victoria is under heavy fire now. We must rise up and stand by our countrymen and women in their hour of need. Tomorrow, September 5, 2020 is Freedom Day in Australia. WE MUST STAND TOGETHER, IN EVERY CAPITAL AND REGIONAL CENTRE AROUND AUSTRALIA. In the millions. The following is a 3 minute clip from some of the strong voices in the freedom movement around the country, please watch, it will give you goose bumps I guarantee it:
The situation is different for you. It is no secret that the VICTORIA POLICE have gone rogue, they are out of control. They are armed and dangerous. In recent days we have seen arrests of several Victorians for no other “crime” than speaking about resisting the tyranny in a peaceful way, the right to express this view is a fundamental human right that really can’t be taken away. Some say they “should” be arrested because they are “breaking the law”. We must question everything now. The government have legislated themselves unlimited power and put the police in full control. This is how it started in Nazi Germany. Basically everything the Nazis did in Germany was technically “legal” under similar “emergency powers” in German law. Evil CAN happen in Australia. And it is here. It is no longer possible to say that’s the law so we must accept it. What if the “laws” are unlawful? We must know our rights, if you aren’t familiar with this sort of thing, this is as good a place as any to start:
The Victorian gestapo are arresting political dissidents:
Solihin Millin
James Bartolo
Zoe Lee
(Some say this one was a fake, a setup from vic pol to enrage Victorians. I’m not convinced of this argument at all, but so what if it was? Does this make it any better? Is it ok for them to conduct psychological operations against the people like this?!)
Fanos Panayides
Raphael Fernandez
We’re seeing shocking police brutality against women.
The media is completely controlled propaganda.
Censorship is rife and peaceful people standing up for freedom are demonised by government, police and media, portrayed as evil, selfish, dangerous extremists, when nothing could be further than the truth. This is the power of the media, to make evil seem good and good seem evil. This is warfare in 2020, information warfare, manipulation and propaganda to the extreme.
Many of the stronger voices have expressed concerns about you taking to the streets on the 5th. One such voice is Jamie McIntyre who I felt offered some cool headed words of wisdom a day or two ago, please see this 5 min clip:
Skip to 34:00 – 39:00
As Jamie says, if the decision is made to delay in Melbourne then this is NOT A RETREAT OR A SURRENDER. Not at all. We must be smart. This is a strategic move. The trap is set. Nothing is beyond the Victoria Police. They will bait you by brutalising a woman and incite a violent reaction so that they can be violent back. They will employ paid rioters to fake a riot that the media can broadcast and present you as violent, dangerous people, to further villainise you in the eyes of the public who are not yet awakened.
We’ve seen it with Antifa, we’ve seen it in Berlin and many other examples, it can most definitely happen here.
Ultimately, for Victorians, the final decision is up to you. I call on all the leaders in Victoria to work together to make a final decision and present a United front. Australia supports you either way. But the rest of Australia, we MUST rise up tomorrow, there is no excuse. This is it. We must show Victoria and the country, and the world in fact, who are all watching, that we are not afraid, and we will not fall to tyranny. Our time has come!