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Answer to a question what else are the Globalists planning? (And how the stupid politicians will continue to follow orders without questioning the corrupted medical advice)


Answer to a question what else are the Globalists planning? (And how the stupid politicians will continue to follow orders without questioning the corrupted medical advice)

By Jamie McIntyre

They will make anyone out that doesn’t agree to vaccinate medically insane. (the UK already is passing such laws)
And forcibly vaccinate.
They will also use the military to forcibly vaccinate. (WA in Australia already has such laws passed).
The massive deaths and injuries that are coming (Not just the levels you see now but hundreds of thousands then millions, then tens of millions).

They’ll do what they are doing in India.
Blame it on Covid and mutant strains to cover up vaccine death and injury like they already are.

People are mostly dying from vaccines, not Covid.
Bring out more vaccines for mutant strains
Murder more.

Start locking up the unvaccinated in quarantine camps (concentration camps).
Can’t leave to you get vaxxed.

Then cyber attacks august sept most likely to shut down the internet.

Deliberate food shortages.

Starve many to death.

Only give govt food aid to those who get vaccinated.

Print so much money to cause economic collapse – usher in the Great Reset

The remaining humans will become slaves.

To avoid this dark totalitarian future planned.

We must delay the rollout.

So people see the massive deaths coming from those vaxxed in 6-12 months that it will awake so many that people will demand a revolution.

Make the Globalists so desperate, more than they are now to wake up even more of the sleeping zombie population that are willing to join a vaccinate death cult to be able to travel again.

Help every innocent person to get educated.

Many will sadly take it, get so sick they wished they listened.

The arrogant ones.
Don’t waste time on them.
They are adults and if they wish to join the vaccine death cult, then they choose their fate.
Some will defend the Govt and vaccine industry to the very end.
The time they’ll regret it it’s too late as they die in agony.

Conformity is deadly
Don’t follow rules set by Covid fraudsters and expect up live.

Original Source

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