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WOW: Crazy Bernie Says Biden Should Take Executive Action on Border… Then Blames The Invasion On Climate Change (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders appears on Sunday's "Face the Nation."
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders appears on Sunday’s “Face the Nation.” (@KevinTober94 / Twitter)

Far-left Senator Bernie Sanders has said that he would support Joe Biden taking executive action about the situation at the southern border.

In an interview with CBS, Sanders made the sensible point that you cannot have tens of thousands of people entering the country illegally, which is currently happening with the support of the Biden regime:

We have a disaster at the border, there was an effort to pass something, there’s a lot of politics that’s going on. Republicans want to be more extreme than Democrats do. Bottom line is, you can’t have tens and tens of thousands of people illegally trying to come into our country every single week.

But what you can do is develop a long-term immigration policy, which, among other things, says that kids who were born in this country become citizens, that we have a sane and rational policy in terms of immigration, which we don’t have right now. It is going to require bipartisan cooperation.

When the interviewed asked whether he would support an executive order to allieviate the situation Sanders said he would.

However, he then blamed the situation on so-called climate change, claiming that illegals are moving to America because their crops are failing rather than for the incredible incentives handed out by the Democratic establishment:

Look, my father came to this country from Poland at the age of 17 without a nickel in his pocket. We are primarily a nation of immigrants. And we’re going to have to figure out a humane solution to what is, in fact, a very difficult problem.

And we should also recognize that while we try to develop a sane immigration policy, you know why people are fleeing? They’re fleeing Latin America and elsewhere because climate change makes it impossible for them to grow their crops, because of drug violence in their communities where kids are being killed. So, it’s a complicated issue. We need a humane response to it.

Sanders is known for his distinct views on immigration. Although he supports giving citizenship to tens of millions of illegals, he once denounced open borders as a policy created by the Koch brothers to import cheap labor and drive down wages.

“Open borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal,” he said back in 2015. “I think from a moral responsibility, we’ve got to work with the rest of the industrialized world to address the problems of international poverty, but you don’t do that by making people in this country even poorer.”


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