Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek trying to con Laura elder Mike Ross into sterilising Cape York with a UNESCO world heritage listing
By Jim O’Toole
Federal Labor is in complete disarray as Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek tries to garner support for closing down Cape York Peninsula with a World Heritage nomination while PM Albanese launches a $2 billion critical minerals exploration fund to find minerals on Cape York to supply the US. https://www.pm.gov.au/media/2-billion-critical-minerals-boost-crucial-energy-transition
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek, former Environment Minister Peter Garrett, Premier Steven Miles and state Labor member Cynthia Lui are busy trying to con or bribe Peninsula Aboriginal traditional owners and elders into supporting the sterilisation of their traditional land.
This is just another shining example of Labor incompetency where one department behind the scenes is fighting another. It is not the first time it has happened on the Peninsula.
Five years ago former Cooktown mayor Graham Elmes was granted a gold mining lease by the Department Natural Resources to dredge sand in the upper reaches of the Normanby River, a relatively harmless process that had been occurring periodically over the past century.
When then Environment Department Minister Steven Miles, now Premier, discovered the mining lease he tried to have it cancelled but the DNR refused and the matter ended up in the mining warden’s court.
Eventually the lease was cancelled.
What Cape York inhabitants have not yet been told is that once their land converts to world heritage title they are banned from access. No traditional burning will be allowed, no fishing, no hunting pigs or wild cattle, no camping and totally NO ENTRY.
There will be no economic benefit to Aborigines because nobody, including tourists are allowed to enter world heritage areas.
Back in the days of former Premier Anna Bligh, 2007-12, now CEO of the Australian Banking Association, she too tried to nominate the Peninsula for world heritage but was rejected by local Aborigines.
Another Labor misfire from 2005 was Wild Rivers legislation, a similar ploy to world heritage which locked up a number of Peninsula rivers from fishing, mining or access by Aborigines.
This WWF/Labor gem was repealed by the Liberals in 2014 after an indigenous revolt. Cairns News believes there will be a similar revolt against the world heritage listing and it cannot be accepted for listing without their widespread approval.
Bligh’s main purpose for listing then was to set aside large areas of mineral-rich state and Aboriginal-held land as collateral for Rothschild Bank, with whom the state Labor Party had negotiated a $60 billion loan.
Nearly every critical and valuable metal can be found on the Peninsula. From diamonds to coal, from lithium to strontium, silica, gold, tin and rare earth, all are in demand.
It would seem Rothschild has been getting worried about the large numbers of EPM’s (Exploration Permit Minerals) being issued over the Peninsula and has called in the federal troops to securely set aside mineral-rich land such as Shelburne Bay, the world’s largest deposit of pure silica sand estimated today at $8 billion.
This 100 klm long silica deposit has been nominated already by Labor for world heritage.
There is no better way of locking up land than a world heritage declaration from the UNESCO Paris headquarters. https://whc.unesco.org/en/world-heritage-centre/