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“We Don’t Discuss Tactics…or the Way We Operate” – WOW! More Than 8 Months Later, The FBI Tells Media to Pound Sand, REFUSES to Say Why They Killed Disabled Veteran Theodore Deschler in Pre-Dawn Raid | The Gateway Pundit

“We Don’t Discuss Tactics…or the Way We Operate” – WOW! More Than 8 Months Later, The FBI Tells Media to Pound Sand, REFUSES to Say Why They Killed Disabled Veteran Theodore Deschler in Pre-Dawn Raid | The Gateway Pundit

It has been more than 8 months since the FBI killed disabled veteran Theodore Deschler in a pre-dawn raid at his mother’s Tennessee home and they are refusing to provide any details about the case.

The Tennessee Star reached out to the FBI this week for answers about the deadly raid. The FBI told them to pound sand.

“We don’t discuss tactics, techniques or the way we operate,” Memphis FBI Chief Division Counsel and Public Affairs Officer Joel Siskovic said to The Tennessee Star. “That’s not a question we would ever answer.”

The Tennessee Star reported:

More than eight months after a raid that left a Henderson man dead, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) won’t disclose details about the case, while the local police department says they weren’t made aware of the raid until after it happened.

FBI agents shot and killed Theodore Deschler (pictured above) at his mother’s home where he lived in August of last year.

The circumstances surrounding his death remain murky. This week, The Tennessee Star followed up with the law enforcement entities involved in the deadly raid, but details remain hard to come by.

The Star asked the FBI what transpired before Theodore Deschler’s death.

“We don’t discuss tactics, techniques or the way we operate,” Memphis FBI Chief Division Counsel and Public Affairs Officer Joel Siskovic said. “That’s not a question we would ever answer.”

Siskovic said the FBI never discusses operations like the raid on Theodore Deschler’s home and that the only way to obtain more information is through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The family is also desperately seeking answers after FBI agents busted down the door to Bonnie Deschler’s home and killed her son Theodore Deschler in front of her in a pre-dawn raid last August.

The FBI is refusing to tell Bonnie Deschler why they showed up in armored vehicles at 6 am on August 16, pulled her out of the house, tossed her into the back of a police vehicle, and fatally shot her unarmed son.

“It’s none of your business!” FBI agents told her after they blew up her house and killed her son.

Theodore Deschler

According to WBBJ, FBI agents showed up at Bonnie Deschler’s home in Henderson, Tennessee to serve her son Theodore an arrest warrant when things turned deadly.

A neighbor told WBBJ he woke up at 6 am after he heard a loud bang.

“I was woken up at about six o’clock this morning. I heard a loud bang. Then I heard a couple more. I heard the loudspeakers, ‘Come out with your hands up. We’re the FBI. We’re not going anywhere.’ Before I knew it, I was coming out to see what was going on and watched them bust out their windows,” a neighbor told WBBJ.

Theodore’s family believes he was unarmed when the agents busted down the door and threw flashbangs into the home.

“It was a senseless act. You know Teddy was a 100% disabled veteran. He had problems. He had severe PTSD. He had depression but he was getting help for it but this was senseless. He didn’t have a weapon on him. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas,” Theodore’s mother Bonnie told WBBJ.

The house was destroyed by tear gas, flashbangs and bullets. Most of the windows were busted out.

According to Bonnie Deschler, her son was unarmed and standing in the doorway when he was killed by FBI agents.

“You couldn’t see. The height of the door and where Teddy was standing when they shot him and killed him, you couldn’t see if he was armed or not and you know he wasn’t. Because if you look at the door you could see where his hands were full of blood and went down the door. Well if he had a weapon in his hand…,” Bonnie Deschler told WBBJ.

The FBI-involved shooting is currently under investigation so the family is in the dark about the details of the raid.

According to Fox News, in a previously unreported detail, Theodore Deschler “was arrested as a suspect following a gas station stabbing in a nearby town, according to the Selmer Police Department.”

Details of the stabbing, which occurred in May just a few months before the FBI raid are unclear.

It is also unclear if there are any charges stemming from the stabbing or if the FBI raid was connected to the incident.

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