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WATCH: How a small band of Israeli defenders STOPPED Hamas terrorists in their tracks

WATCH: How a small band of Israeli defenders STOPPED Hamas terrorists in their tracks

On October 7, an Israeli hero and his small group of defenders successfully protected their community from a Hamas terrorist attack.

The attack, which targeted surrounding villages, was repelled by the brave actions of this small group, who not only stopped the attackers but have since maintained security in their area.

Based in a settlement located around five minutes from Schem, emergency squad commander Yitzhak Sanderoy described how he and his unit responded immediately to the attack.

Hearing the approach of terrorists from nearby villages, they acted quickly and decisively, killing four terrorists and deterring others with their strong defence.

Since then, no further attacks have occurred in their settlement.

This Israeli defenders emphasised the unity and strength shown by Israelis since October 7.

They note that people from all walks of life, including those who traditionally do not serve in the army, have come together to support the soldiers and the country’s defence efforts.

Sanderoy called on Jews and supporters of Israel worldwide to stand in solidarity with Israel.

His message is clear: think positively, act with kindness, but be prepared to defend oneself and one’s community. This attitude, he believes, will help the world understand and respect Israel’s fight for survival and security.

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