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WATCH: ABC’s biased reporting on Bangladesh crisis DISMISSES Hindu victims

WATCH: ABC’s biased reporting on Bangladesh crisis DISMISSES Hindu victims

Following the ousting of Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the country’s Hindu minority is experiencing a surge of targeted violence, leading many to flee their homes in fear.

In the nine days since Hasina’s resignation, reports have surfaced of over 200 attacks on Hindus and other religious minorities across 52 districts as Islamic gangs run rampant.

The Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, a respected rights organisation, has been documenting these incidents.

Thousands of Hindus have reportedly sought refuge in neighbouring India as they try to escape the escalating violence.

Despite these alarming reports, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) decided to question the severity of the attacks, suggesting that the motives behind the violence might not be purely religious, citing a spread ofmisinformationand essentially blaming the victims.

Adding to the controversy, the ABC cited Indian journalists as exacerbating the situation by simply reporting on the attacks as they happened. This stance has drawn ire from many who feel that the media should be focused on reporting the facts without bias.

The interim government in Bangladesh has condemned the attacks asheinousand says it will work with community leaders to ensure the safety of Hindus.

However, for many in the minority community, the fear remains palpable, evoking memories of past violence during Bangladesh’s tumultuous history.

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