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UK verges on civil war over immigration – Robinson infuriated – are Brits being played? –

UK verges on civil war over immigration – Robinson infuriated – are Brits being played? –
Rioters attack the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham, one of the many accommodation sites for the flood of immigrants being facilitated into the UK by UN-linked NGOs and governments.

A FURIOUS Tommy Robinson has appeared on social media ripping into UK police for cracking down on anti-immigration protesters and apparently leaving Moslem rioters to run rampant, randomly assaulting white Britons in response to protests outside Mosques and an arson attack on a migrant hostel.

A map from The Sun newspaper showing locations of rioting across the UK.

Robinson, who normally appears outspoken but reasonably rational, even under hostile questioning by media, was obviously highly distressed by police actions, particularly the use of dogs against protesters and their unwillingness to take action against Moslem violence.

British PM Sir Keir Starmer went on media to condemn the violence and promising to arrest and prosecute anyone involved in it. However his comments were clearly directed towards the anti-immigration protesters more than immigrants.

“This is not protest, it is organised violent thuggery,” said Starmer, ignoring the fact that thousands of Robinsons’ supporters staged a peaceful protest in the middle of London two weeks ago. But the peaceful protests ended with what some suspect is an elaborate psyop in the town of Southport just two days later. The reported stabbing rampage killed three children, which was then falsely blamed by a bogus robot news site on a radical Islamic illegal immigrant.

Robinson might be better advised to go public and call for calm, however given that the media has labeled him a “right wing racist thug” will make that difficult. Any sinister powers-that-be wanting to throw the UK into chaos and dictatorship will be doing their best to inflame the violence.

One of the more reliable and informed alternative news site in Britain, the UK Column, headed up its August 2nd broadcast with an analysis of the building up by state spokesmen of a narrative conflating Islamic terrorism with the “far right”.

UK Column’s Mike Robinson also questioned whether the police app Cross the Line, distributed on social media allegedly to stop right wing extremism among the young, had the effect of doing the exact opposite. In other words, UK Column is suggesting a state-based and media-supported provocation.

Robinson also noted the UK’s alarming immigration figures with 1.2 illegal immigrants flooding into the country in 2023 but also with a net loss of half a million people leaving the same year, creating all manner of social stresses, not the least being a housing shortage.

UK column also questioned whether Tommy Robinson was providing the right sort of leadership Britons needed at this time, showing an old video clip of Robinson outside a housing estate describing the immigrants as “enemy combatants here to destroy our way of life”.

Mike Robinson called it a Clash of Civilizations narrative and urged Britons to be careful as to where they looked for leadership. “I’m going to suggest that we are being played and when we’re looking as people of our society … for people to lead, we’ve got to be careful about who we are asking to lead,” he said.

He also referred to police “taking a knee” several years ago, in deference to the Black Lives Matter narrative. “Does anybody think that this was by accident? What was this designed to do? It was designed to enrage a certain part of the population. In fact I would suggest it was designed to radicalize a certain part of the population and drive people towards a right wing extreme.”

Robinson further noted masked extremists moving in on the pro-Palestinian protests, flying an Al Qaeda flag. He said he and Brian Gerrish (UK column anchor) attended one of the protests recently and found most people neither violent nor unreasonable, but now it appeared as if these Islamic radicals were trying to provocateur certain sections of society.

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