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UK residents tell real story of massive rioting over stabbing deaths of three little girls, seven others critical –

UK residents tell real story of massive rioting over stabbing deaths of three little girls, seven others critical –

Letters to the Editor

The rioting in Southport and other UK cities has been most unwelcome.

What was the official response?

The rioters have been described as “far right thugs” and drawn the strongest possible condemnation from the government, the MSM and the public. Keir Starmer called police chiefs to a meeting in Downing Street to discuss what action should be taken to penalise rioters and set up a nationwide police unit to control it.

What were the rioters complaining about?

In Southport, three young girls were murdered and five more girls and two adults are in a critical condition after being attacked by a black youth armed with a knife. Although born in the UK the perpetrator is the son of immigrant parents who came to the UK from Rwanda.

Go back to March 2021. A mob of Moslem men gathered outside school gates in Batley. They were complaining about a schoolteacher. The teacher allegedly received death threats and he, and his family had to go into hiding to save their lives. They are still in hiding, years after the incident.

What was the official response?

Grovelling apologies from the school and virtually NO action by the police or the government to control demonstrators outside the school, or prosecute the Moslem men involved in making the alleged death threats.

What were the Moslems complaining about?

The teacher showed his class a cartoon!

Donna Jones, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner was absolutely right to suggest that it was time to hold an honest debate about the underlying causes!

J Wraith


Ireland suffering similar fate to UK

Many of those ‘far right thugs’ are, like me, grandparents in our 60’s, just concerned about the direction in which our country is going – downhill, rapidly.

Starmer and his WEF Muppets have been in power less than a month and they have already started robbing from the poor and giving to the rich.

That’s been the final straw for many folks in the UK. I’m a Brit living in Ireland and the same thing is happening here – a government who doesn’t give a damn about their own people and is bringing in literally bus-loads of army age, single men (with the odd, token, ‘family’) and setting them up in comfortable accommodation, providing free healthcare (with no waiting lists!) spending money and giving them the right to vote!

Meanwhile, more and more native Irish and Brits are relying on foodbanks to feed their families.
The trouble at these protests is almost always started by heavy-handed police/gardaí or rent-a-mob elements in the crowd.

Susan Deacon


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