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It’s been a while since I’ve covered Tommy’s legal battles. But this is unusual — I was right there, just a few feet away, when Tommy was arrested. It was a couple of months ago at the London march in support of Britain’s Jews.
I showed up to that march a bit early and went into a coffee shop to stay warm. And there was Tommy Robinson! He had come early, too, to do the same thing I was doing — to report on the march fairly (as opposed to the BBC, which supports Hamas).
I had a good catch-up with Tommy, since I hadn’t seen him in years. It wasn’t just me who was happy to see Tommy. Everyone around us (who were also there for the pro-Jewish march) were also thrilled to have Tommy’s support.
None of the people I saw were upset that Tommy was at the march. The opposite — Britain’s Jews were grateful for his support and excited to see him. He certainly hadn’t done anything wrong. But one of the organizers of the march, Gideon Falter is a far-left Jew, who put his partisan politics above the non-partisan goals of the event. He asked police to arrest Tommy. And, to their discredit, they did.
Shame on left-wing Jews for banning Tommy Robinson, who supports the Jewish community much more than left-wing activists do. And shame on the police for taking their political instructions.
I guess it’s easier for Falter and the Met Police to take away one peaceful journalist than to arrest thousands of pro-Hamas thugs screaming for violence against Jews, week after week.
That really is two-tier policing in London, and it’s atrocious.
Incredibly, Tommy wasn’t just banned from reporting on the Jewish march that one day. He is still banned from entering London, to this day, and is only allowed back into the city if he first gets approval, in advance, from a particular Muslim police officer.
Imagine if pro-Hamas protesters had to get the permission of a particular Jewish cop before coming into the city. There would be riots.
This is an important legal case. And I decided to come to London to cover it. If you can chip in a few quid to help me crowdfund my flight and my economy-class hotel, I’d be grateful. You can do that right here on this page. All of my reports will be posted at www.TommyTrial.com.
If it’s anything like Tommy’s trials that I’ve covered in the past, I’m pretty sure the BBC, the Guardian and the rest of the regime media will lie profusely about Tommy, and even misrepresent what goes on in court.
Please check back at www.TommyTrial.com to get the facts, and follow me on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/ezralevant for my live updates from court itself.
If you can help me cover my modest travel expenses, please do, right here on this page or at www.TommyTrial.com. (That’s where you can also follow my reports tomorrow.) Thanks.