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Do we now reside in a world where no good deed goes unpunished?
Case in point: consider the curious case of Natty. She’s a resident of Wasaga Beach, Ont. And recently, Natty took to TikTok to call out some truly odious behaviour occurring down at the beach. Namely, certain people are defecating there — some folks are even burying dirty diapers there, too. It’s beyond grotesque and disgusting.
But what might be even more gross is what happened to Natty in the aftermath of her viral social media postings. Such as, the single mother received a visit from the Ontario Provincial Police. Yes, the OPP recently launched an investigation into this matter. Not about the people defecating on the beach, mind you. Rather, the OPP are investigating Natty, the whistleblower.
As far as we can tell, Natty committed no crime. So why were the police intimidating her in such a fashion?
But it gets worse. Last Monday, Rebel News published our exclusive interview with Natty. And within hours of that interview being posted, TikTok permanently deleted Natty’s account. But again: why?
Indeed, it makes no sense. We reached out to TikTok, but no reply was forthcoming. But on TikTok’s website, check out the answer to the query: when does TikTok permanently ban accounts?
We may permanently ban accounts if we identify the following violations of our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service, including:
You don’t meet the minimum age or other requirements as indicated in our Terms of Service.
The account impersonates another person or entity in a deceptive manner.
You have a severe violation on your account:
Post, promote, or facilitate youth exploitation or child sexual abuse material (CSAM).
Promote or threaten violence.
Post or promote content that depicts non-consensual sex acts such as rape or molestation.
Post content that facilitates human trafficking.
Post content that depicts real-world torture.
Create or use another TikTok account to intentionally avoid restrictions or a permanent ban imposed on another account.
Your account has reached the strike threshold for multiple violations within a policy or feature.
Multiple violations of our Intellectual Property Policy.
But Natty did not commit any of these sins. So what’s the real reason for her account being deleted? For having the audacity to point out that the people she has seen defecating are Indian?
The truth may hurt, but is that any reason to shut down freedom of speech? Or are certain institutions acting as if Bill C-63 is indeed already law?