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The Vladimir Putin Interview

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“She Lacked Professional Competence, So She Worked on It By Hiking Up Her Hem Line” – Judge Joe Brown Destroys Kamala Harris in One Brutally Honest Interview (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

“She Lacked Professional Competence, So She Worked on It By Hiking Up Her Hem Line” – Judge Joe Brown Destroys Kamala Harris in One Brutally Honest Interview (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit
“She Lacked Professional Competence, So She Worked on It By Hiking Up Her Hem Line” – Judge Joe Brown Destroys Kamala Harris in One Brutally Honest Interview (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit
Judge Joe Brown does not hold back in honest interview on mistress turned politician Kamala Harris.

Judge Joe Brown destroyed Kamala Harris’s run for the presidency after one brutally honest interview.

Judge Brown told Dialogue what he really feels about the former California mistress turned politician.

Reporter: But I got to ask you about Kamala Harris. How you feel about her?

Judge Joe Brown: She’s a piece of sh*t. I was in California. She lacked professional competence, and she worked on it by hiking up her hem line when she needed influence rather than researching. She’s always tried to do the casting couch to get where she wants.

Now, the problem is that it’ll get somebody to a certain level quickly, but you can’t you get past that level if you don’t have competence and talent. So my thing about it is, if I’m crude about it, in this city, years ago, I used to represent a whole bunch of pimps and hos, and I know a ho when I see one.

And, I say this. I don’t care, woman, you do what you want to do if you want to have recreational sex, but when you do the casting couch or anything else for professional purposes to get paid or advance, you’re a ho. And, she’s an old ho.

And the problem is, what is she supposed to do? Somebody, one of her sycophant slaves, comes up and unwraps her on a carpet naked at Putin’s feet, and he says, Oh, yeah, I’m Julius Caesar. He says, ‘No, ho, I got better stuff here already. Plus, I don’t want you anyway, you old woman. Get on up.’

Xi Jinping, is he supposed to be impressed? She’s doing word salad. Well, we are here today because China and the US are here today, and that’s why we have to agree on what we are doing here today. Like, fool, what did you just say? Did you say anything?

Vie Terrence K. Williams and Catturd2.

Here’s another one. We believe it is safe to say Joe Brown is not a Kamala fan.

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