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Senator Rennick with a simple solution to reclaim Australia from the clutches of the international banksters –


The ‘Invisible Hand’ of early economist Adam Smith

If the Liberals dumped free marketing and international bank control of the Australian money supply, and returned to the gold standard, this country has a good chance of recovery. The good senator is at odds with the Liberal big end of town over this sensible policy reform

Labor-nomics too is fraught with Adam Smith’s free marketing ideology which has destroyed Australian manufacturing and handed our historical manufacturing capabilities to China and Asia thanks to the treacherous free trade policies of Labor PM Bob Hawke who should go down as the most corrupt Prime Minister in Australian history.

In the meantime the present PM Albanese will be remembered as the most incompetent, international puppet Australia has ever had to suffer. He is about to hand over the Reserve Bank of Australia to official international control.

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