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RIGHT ON CUE: Britain’s Crazed Leftists Demand Government Shuts Down X, Prosecutes Elon Musk and Even Compare Platform to Nazi Germany! | The Gateway Pundit

RIGHT ON CUE: Britain’s Crazed Leftists Demand Government Shuts Down X, Prosecutes Elon Musk and Even Compare Platform to Nazi Germany! | The Gateway Pundit

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, members of Britain’s left-wing commentariat are demanding that the government shut down the X platform.

Over the past week, Elon Musk and X have become a matter of national debate in Britain as anti-immigration protests spread across the country following the horrific stabbing of schoolchildren by a 17-year-old of Rwandan extraction.

Musk himself has challenged British Prime Minister Keir Starmer over his response to the protests, labelling him “two-tier Keir” over his desire to crack down on native Brits while protecting Muslim communities from criticism.

Now, leftists are demanding the platform be shut down altogether. Among them is the conspiracy theorist Peter Jukes, who compared X to Nazi Germany.

Times Radio host Calum Macdonald complained there is no policing on the X platform, another word for censorship.

Other influential figures, including one member of the prestigious King’s Council, simply demanded the platform be shut down.

Meanwhile, some even went as far as to demand the prosecution of X owner Elon Musk.

When the left is under pressure, their immediate impulse is to start censoring and persecuting their opponents. Don’t be surprised if we see that happening in Britain over the coming days.

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