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Retired USMC Major Confronts CNN’s Brianna Keilar For Attacking JD Vance’s Military Service While Defending Tim Walz’s Stolen Valor (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Retired USMC Major Confronts CNN’s Brianna Keilar For Attacking JD Vance’s Military Service While Defending Tim Walz’s Stolen Valor (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

USMC Major Shawn Haney confronted CNN anchor Brianna Keilar for attacking JD Vance’s military service.

“There is a hall in our Defense Information School of 130 heroes who served in that capacity who did not make it out of a combat zone,” Marine Corps Public Affairs Officer Major Shawn Haney said.


CNN anchor Brianna Keilar attacked JD Vance’s military service in an effort to defend Tim Walz’s stolen valor lies.

At least five videos of Tim Walz’s stolen valor lies have surfaced in the last two days.

Immediately after Walz was introduced as Kamala’s running mate, a video of him falsely claiming to be a combat veteran surfaced.

“We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war,” Tim Walz previously said.

Walz never deployed.


Walz never deployed. He abandoned his battalion after they were deployed to Iraq so he could run for Congress.

JD Vance joined the US Marines and served from 2003-2007, including a six-month deployment to Iraq.

On Thursday Brianna Keilar criticized Vance for ‘being someone who did not see combat’ during his deployment to Iraq.

Vance honorably served and he never lied about his military service.


JD Vance WENT OFF on Brianna Keilar on Thursday.

“Brianna this is disgusting, and you and your entire network should be ashamed of yourselves,” JD Vance said. “When I got the call to go to Iraq, I went.”

“Tim Walz said he carried a gun in a war. Did he? No. It was a lie,” Vance said.

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