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NOT Making Headlines: Russian Dissident Navalny Compared Himself to Trump and His Persecution and Censorship by the Democrats and Biden Regime | The Gateway Pundit


As reported earlier by Kristinn Taylor, Russian democracy activist Alexei Navalny, 47, reportedly died in a Soviet era gulag located north of the Arctic Circle on Friday, according to the Russian prison authority. Navalny leaves behind his wife, Yulia Navalnaya, and their two children.

Navalny organized anti-government demonstrations and ran for office to advocate reforms against corruption in Russia, and against President Vladimir Putin and his government.

Russian dissident Alexei Navalny is pictured behind bars in prison before his death.

The globalist left is using Navalny’s tragic death as an excuse to ramp up their hopes for a shooting war against nuclear Russia.

At the same time they are blaming President Trump for his death and attacking Trump following news of Navalny’s death.

It should not surprise you that the American mainstream media is censoring significant statements by Alexei Navalny before his death.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the Soros-related origins of the Russia collusion conspiracy. Now there is more information on George Soros’ role in Russiagate through the West’s favorite Russian opposition blogger Alexander Navalny.

Activist Alexei Navalny became one of the key figures in the fake Russiagate conspiracy theory when he released a video linking Trump ex-campaign manager Paul Manafort to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, reported by the Telegraph in February 2018. At the same time, the Telegraph had to admit the video “does not specifically mention Donald Trump”.  In addition, Oleg Deripaska “denied receiving briefings from the Trump campaign, although he admitted hiring Mr. Manafort as a consultant in previous years”, the Telegraph reported. Although it was a “big nothing-burger”, it was fit to print in the NYT.

In 2009, opposition blogger Alexei Navalny emerged as leader of the Russian opposition and was portrayed as a hero by Western media. In 2010, he graduated from a half-year Yale Greenberg World Fellowship, which was originally called White House Fellows under Bill Clinton’s Presidency. The first program director of the Yale World Fellows was Dan Esty, energy and environmental policy adviser for the 2008 Obama campaign.

Soon thereafter, Navalny started an anti-corruption campaign in Russia that was supported early on by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Vladimir Putin accused Secretary Clinton of supporting Navalny in 2011, saying she sent “a signal” to “some actors in our country”.

At the same time, Navalny allegedly went to work for the Open Society Foundations (OSF) methadone program, which aimed to “bring together actors, alliances from different spheres (i.e. Navalny)”, as OSF documents leaked by DC Leaks showed 2015. George Soros supported a whole network of radical left-wing NGOs in Russia before being banned in 2015.

Navalny was closely allied with exiled oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who modeled his “Open Russia Foundation” on Soros’ network. Khodorkovsky’s London-based investigative research unit Dossier, which has often shared hacked documents from unknown sources, was also behind NYT 2018 claims Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya was acting on behalf of the Russian government when she offered allegedly incriminating evidence to Donald Trump. Jr. in the infamous Trump Tower Meeting. It has since emerged Veselnitskaya met with Fusion GPS head Glenn Simpson before and after the June 9 2016 Trump Tower meeting, placing her closer to the Clinton opposition research campaign than the Kremlin.

Alexei Navalny and his brother Oleg were convicted of embezzling 26 million Rubles from French cosmetics firm Yves Rocher, with whom they had a Russian distribution deal  2008 to 2011, the Navalnys were represented in French court in Vannes, Brittany by attorneys William Bourdon and Amélie Lefebre of Association Sherpa, a whistleblower defense which also defended Edward Snowden and is supported by the Clinton Foundation‘s Humanity United, Freedom Fund and the Open Society Foundations. Although the plaintiff was French company Yves Rocher, who also sued for damages in France, Western media depicted it as some sort of sham trial instigated by Vladimir Putin. While Oleg was sent to prison for three years, Alexei Navalny was given a suspended sentence and remains free.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Alexei Navalny wrote for leftist flagships The Guardian and the New York Times, where Navalny demanded sanctions against his own country over the Russian annexation of the Crimea 2014 (which many Russians consider a “reunification”). Navalny’s daughter Daria Navalnaya gave a video statement on New York Times Video on June 27, 2019 – a remarkable opportunity for a 17-year-old young woman.

It now emerges George Soros and the Clinton-Obama Democrats (who worked closely together in Eastern Europe from Macedonia to Ukraine) were trying to poison US-Russian relations for years by means of allies like Navalny and Khodorkovsky.

Navalny also compared himself and his persecution by the Putin regime to Donald Trump and his persecution by radical Democrats and the Biden regime.

As Kristinn Taylor noted earlier – Robby Starbuck reposted a comment by Navalny from January 9, 2021 likening his treatment by Putin to that of Trump.

Robby Starbuck: Someone just flagged this for me and it’s pretty wild. When Trump was banned by the old Twitter regime, Navalny came out against it and called it censorship akin to how he as censored in Russia. His post almost foreshadows how Dems would try to remove Trump from the ballot too.

Navalny posted several tweets about the unprecedented abuse hurled at Donald Trump here in America, likening it to his situation in Russia.

Alexei Navalny: 9. If you replace “Trump” with “Navalny” in today’s discussion, you will get an 80% accurate Kremlin’s answer as to why my name can’t be mentioned on Russian TV and I shouldn’t be allowed to participate in any elections.

Navalny: 9. If you replace “Trump” with “Navalny” in today’s discussion, you will get an 80% accurate Kremlin’s answer as to why my name can’t be mentioned on Russian TV and I shouldn’t be allowed to participate in any elections.

Alexei Navalny: 10. This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world. In Russia as well. Every time when they need to silence someone, they will say: ‘this is just common practice, even Trump got blocked on Twitter’.

More Navalny: 10. This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world. In Russia as well. Every time when they need to silence someone, they will say: ‘this is just common practice, even Trump got blocked on Twitter’.

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