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Montreal suburb mayor dropped by legal team after condemning Canada’s Gazan refugee plan

Montreal suburb mayor dropped by legal team after condemning Canada’s Gazan refugee plan

Jeremy Levi, the mayor of Hampstead—an on-island suburb of Montreal—has been the subject of controversy since he spoke out in support of Israel following the October 7 attacks by Hamas.

Levi, a staunch supporter of Israel, has been clear in his stance that Israel “needs to eradicate Hamas,” leading outlets like the Palestinian Chronicle to attack him with articles like “Canada Mayor to Support Israel No Matter How Many Children Die” in December.

Since then, Levi has continued to voice his support for Israel. More recently, Levi was featured in the Montreal Gazette after he said that behaviour by pro-Palestinian groups showed that “their values seem incompatible with ours.”

“Given the recent behavior of the pro-Palestinian group, Canada should reconsider its immigration plan for Gazans. Their values seem incompatible with ours, and I have no desire to welcome more hatred into our country,” Levi’s post read, ultimately leading to his legal representatives filing to drop Levi as a client.

A transcription from an audio call between Levi and his former legal representatives details a conversation where they informed Levi that they would be dropping his case out of fear of losing another client.

Levi’s former legal representatives also argue that a $50,000 fee would not be refunded, as they say that fee was to get a case related to Bill 96 before the Superior Court, which they say they fulfilled.

“… They expressed to us how they did not want to continue this case with Hampstead because of the comments that were attributed to Jeremy, and another one of our existing clients… with whom we are right now going before the Supreme Court, the FAE (Federation Enseignants des Professeurs)… one of the largest teacher unions in the province indicated the same thing,” they said.

After discussing with their partners, his former legal team decided that they “could not continue” the relationship “otherwise it would come at great expense to [their] firm, and [they] felt [they] couldn’t lose both plaintiffs in the same file, as well as lose a client that [they] are currently before the Courts with.”

They specified that the comments being referred to were the ones “attributed to Jeremy in the paper” regarding “Gazans who were– I think Jeremy indicated that he would not want any Gazans to be admitted into the country as immigrants or to come here.”

Now represented by Neil Oberman of the Spiegel Sohmer law firm, Levi is opposing the reasons for his dismissal.

Speaking to Rebel, Mr. Oberman laid out the three key reasons they have filed in opposition to Mr. Levi’s dismissal:

  1. The reasons invoked by the previous law firm violate the charter of human rights and freedoms.

  2. They prejudiced Mr. Levi.

  3. It contravenes the code of professional conduct of advocates.

“The grounds enumerated deal with the issue of freedom of expression and freedom to be devoid of discrimination based on political belief,” said Mr. Oberman.

Oberman explained that a lawyer has filed an application to dismiss the opposition, saying that there are no valid grounds or procedural vehicles to oppose the withdrawal of a lawyer if there’s no trial date fixed.

The dates have not been fixed to hear this application, which Mr. Oberman says will happen “sooner than later.”

Our position is that our client has a legal right to do so. We will plead our case before the court. The court will make a determination. We respect the court and the rule of law, and that is the main reason why my client engaged myself and my firm, to defend their legitimate rights.

Levi has been a vocal advocate for Israel, especially since the Hamas attacks on October 7.

A month after the attack, Hampstead passed a bylaw that imposed $1,000 fines for the removal of posters of Israeli hostages.

In December, Levi issued a statement reiterating his support for Israel after being questioned by an activist.

“From the outset, I emphasized my firm stance against the death of children or any loss of life. In my view, every human life is immeasurably precious, a sentiment not shared by certain parties such as Hamas. I genuinely sympathize with all the innocent civilians who have tragically lost their lives in this conflict. It’s crucial to recognize the human cost and tragedy that war brings.”

Levi was clear in saying that he had unwavering support for Israel and called for hostages to be freed.

In March, Levi called on Liberal MP Anthony Housefather to cross the floor to join the Conservatives due to the governing party’s lack of support for Israel.

Hampstead counts roughly 7,000 residents, the majority of whom are Jewish. It falls within the federal Mount Royal riding, which has been a Liberal stronghold for decades.

Levi’s most recent comments condemning the importing of Gazans brought with it a wave of criticism from a slew of Quebec politicians, including Quebec Premier François Legault who said that he disagreed with Levi’s statement.

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East went so far as to call Levi’s comments racist and called for the mayor to resign.

“This racist screed from the mayor of Hampstead is truly beyond the pale,” the organization wrote. “The rejection of immigrants from Gaza, combined with the charge of ‘incompatible values,’ is a clear-cut case of anti-Palestinian racism that echoes some of the darkest periods of Canadian history.”

Levi conceded that it’s “from most standards, a politically incorrect statement,” but said that he spoke for his community.

While speaking to Rebel, Mr. Oberman stated that “the rule of law is not just a statement, it is a concept that must be applied to all, for all, at all times.”

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