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Keir Starmer Cracks Down on Free Speech as Britons Fight Back


Last Updated on August 5, 2024

Keir Starmer, the newly-installed Labour Party Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, is vowing to crack down on free speech, including online speech, as Britons take to the streets in massive protests against the third-world invasion of their homeland. The protests, which have spread around the country, follow the murder of three British girls by an African anchor baby in a terrorist attack that wounded ten more and amounted to just the latest such strike against the British People.

Historically massive protests have gripped the United Kingdom, spreading nationwide in recent days after the deadly third-world terror attack on a Taylor Swift-themed dance class for little girls in Southport. In response to British citizens asserting themselves against rampant third-world migrant crime, Starmer’s government has vowed to combat free speech they deem “racist” and “Islamophobic,” targeting both in-person protesters and people who make comments online.

As the protests have spread, violence has broken out, with Muslim mobs taking to the streets as “counter-protesters” while arming themselves with illegal machetes and other blades.

The Starmer government, and their friends around Europe and the West, have been quick to condemn pro-British demonstrators as “far-right” extremists, but refuse to acknowledge their own role in engineering a clash of civilizations on the streets of their own country – something many believe was their objective the entire time.

“We will have a standing army of specialist officers, public duty officers so that we’ll have enough officers to deal with this where we need them,” Starmer told reporters after a Monday meeting with government officials.

“We’ll ramp up criminal justice,” he went on. “There’ve already been hundreds of arrests. Some have appeared in court this morning. I’ve asked for early consideration of the earliest naming and identification of those involved in the process, who will feel the full force of the law.”

“And thirdly, I’ve been absolutely clear, that the criminal law applies online, as well as offline. And I’m assured that that’s the approach that’s being taken,” Starmer said.

Amazingly, at no point in his remarks did Starmer vow to prosecute Muslim rape gangs and marauding third-world thugs to the fullest extent of the law, even as video footage emerges of self-described Muslim patrols storming British neighborhoods and pubs, in search of natives to attack.

Listen to Keir Stamer’s Full Remarks Below: 

Related: Irish Protesters Block And Turn Around An Invasion of Bussed-In Migrants

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