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JUST IN: FBI Withholding Trump Assassination Records | The Gateway Pundit

JUST IN: FBI Withholding Trump Assassination Records | The Gateway Pundit

The FBI is withholding information on a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to the attempted assassination of President Trump.

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch in a FOIA request asked for all records of the FBI related to their coordination with the Secret Service for Trump’s July 13 Butler, Pennsylvania rally.

The FBI denied Judicial Watch’s request citing exemption 7(A) which applies to information that “could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement,” the watchdog said.

Judicial Watch reported:

Judicial Watch announced today that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) withheld information on a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information about its coordination with the U.S. Secret Service regarding the July 13 Butler, PA, rally at which former President Trump was shot.

In denying Judicial Watch’s FOIA request, the FBI cites FOIA exemption 7(A), which applies to information that “could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings”

The Judicial Watch FOIA request on July 26 asked for:

All records of the FBI, including emails, email chains, email attachments, text messages, video or audio recordings, photographs, drawings, outlook calendars, meeting minutes, finished intelligence products, bulletins, raw intelligence, threat products, correspondence, statements, letters, memoranda, reports, briefings, presentations, notes, summaries, or other form of record, regarding preparation and coordination with the USSS for former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign rally that was held in Butler, PA, on July 13, 2024.  Please provide records from June 15, 2024, to present.

Judicial Watch is pursuing the next steps in preparation for litigation.

“Were there others involved in the assassination attempt on Trump? If not, then why would the FBI use the excuse of protecting someone’s right to a fair trial to hide records on the FBI’s and Secret Service’s inexcusable failures to protect Trump from being nearly assassinated,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “The Biden-Harris administration is running a major league cover-up on the near assassination of former President Trump.”

You can support Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch by clicking here.

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