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Gympie region meeting to update on Labor’s net-zero solar-wind madness –

Gympie region meeting to update on Labor’s net-zero solar-wind madness –
This propane generator worth a few hundred dollars massively outperforms wind or solar power, which require vast areas of land to produce irregular amounts of energy.

A VICTORIAN lawyer familiar with government tactics related to the great push for “renewable energy” projects will speak at a meeting on September 21st at Chatsworth Hall from 11am to 1pm.

The Gympie region faces several major so-called renewable energy projects being pushed by Federal and Queensland Labor governments. The Forest Wind project will devastate a massive area of of the Tuan/Toolara State Forest for 226 wind turbines that will also threaten eagles and other birdlife.

Added to this will be the Borumba Pumped Hydro project and associated transmission lines cutting across farms and forests in the Kilkivan district.

Dominica Tannock is the principal lawyer from DST Legal in Melbourne, who will give a legal update on what’s happening with these renewable projects, that are being pushed at a rapid rate by the Victorian Labor government in cahoots with the Greens.

Also speaking will be Steven Nowakowski, an avid wildlife environmental campaigner who appeared in the recent ABC Four corners episode “Wind Wars”, exposing the destructive nature of wind farms in bushland and other landscapes across Australia. Stephen Wilson, an adjunct professor and energy economist with a wide scope of international experience and expertise in energy will also speak. Bookings can be made online.

Nowakowski says 3365 turbines are proposed for Queensland in order to deliver “name plate capacity” of 22,874MW. “This excludes the wind farms that I know are planned but don’t have turbine quantities for. The proposed Proserpine Wind Farm for example will have over 200 turbines so safe to assume there are over 4000 turbines thus far. Considering a capacity factor of say 25% then we will need to double this number of turbines to say 6600 turbines to keep lights on at night in summer if there is wind.”

The dim-witted Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen and the Greens, cheered on by WA billionaire green energy zealots Simon Holmes a Court, Andrew Forrest and the green energy business lobbyists, think they are having their day in the sun against the long time domination of energy by “big coal” and “big oil” interests.

Back in the 1970s Anthony Albanese, Bowen and their student Socialist Action comrades marched in the streets against the great big nuclear bogey. They carried placards advocating “sun power”, as if it was some sort of viable alternative.

As far as these students were concerned, industrial society was a grand conspiracy driven by greedy oil and coal tycoons in big city offices. Now with industrial-scale development of Chinese-made wind towers and solar panels, these allegedly grown up Laborites really think they are having their day in the sun, so to speak.

Chris Bowen and his advisers are stupid enough to believe that Australia can just shut down the coal-fired power stations and switch to wind and solar, backed up by batteries. These fools are committing an act of economic sabotage on Australia, and the unions supporting them should know better.

One only need visit the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) website on any morning or evening to see the folly of this idea. For instance, on September 10th at 5.40am when millions of Australians were cooking breakfast and heading off to work, black and brown coal was supplying 76% of our electricity. This is a regular occurrence.

The “renewables” on the other hand, wind and hydro, were supplying 20% and solar, zero. In other words there is a massive daily and nightly gap in supply that Bowen and his clowns think can be filled by batteries. They are truly living in Clown World.

The Australian Energy Market Operator’s dashboard regularly shows how reliant Australia is on coal for the bulk of peak period power generation.

What Bowen and his green-socialist comrades never thought about was why coal, oil and nuclear were the primary sources of energy in modern, industrial economies. No-one ever taught them about the principle of power and energy density in economics, a specialty of Scottish Professor Robert Wilson.

Wilson does not, like many of us, challenge the hysteria around carbon dioxide, but rather looks at the physical capability of wind and solar compared with oil, gas, coal and nuclear. He does maintain however, that zero carbon is a “fanciful and self-indulgent idea”.

Wilson applies the power density calculation in Watts per square metre (Wm2). He shows that the London Array wind farm to the south of England (at the time, the world’s largest offshore wind farm) with a total capacity of 630 MW covering 100 km2 and an expected capacity factor of 39%, operates on a power density of a mere 2.5 W/m2.

If that figure sounds small it is. Wilson notes that conventional power plants “often have power densities in excess of 1000 W/m2.” He offers the simple example of a small propane powered generator, providing in excess of 1000 W/m2. “This is far in excess of the power density of any conceivable new method of generating renewable energy,” he says.  

Wilson, in an article supplied to the World Economic Forum in 2015, states: “Advocating an expansion of wind farms, while opposing almost all new gas power plants, as some environmentalists do, is either hypocritical or a display of ignorance of basic engineering realities.”

We would suggest that “ignorance” is the major driver behind Bowen and the Labor Party’s dizzy-headed, starry-eyed “transition to clean energy”. Money and industry lobbyists are also a major factor and only very recently have corporate coal industry boards had the guts to defend their existence.

The sinister side of the so-called “transition to net zero” is that an inefficient, expensive energy system will effectively deindustrialize Australia, which appears to be the global objective of the World Economic Forum’s proposed Great Reset, where the population “owns nothing but will be happy”.

The effect of this “green, global system”, also outlined in Agenda 2030, is to centralise power in the hands of a global elite, reduce population and lower standards of living.

This is the great irony of the Rockefeller oil family and the eugenics campaign they ran in the 1950s followed by their “population bomb” scare campaign in the 1960s through the 70s combined with their funding of feminism and environmentalism – the former designed to get women into the workplace and governments more flush with income tax.

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