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CRINGE: Kamala Harris Leads a Chant at Scranton Pennsylvania Rally and NO ONE Joins Her – What a Clown (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

CRINGE: Kamala Harris Leads a Chant at Scranton Pennsylvania Rally and NO ONE Joins Her – What a Clown (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

What a sideshow.

Kamala Harris leads a chant at the end of her Scranton rally and no one joins in.

Kamala Harris held a small rally in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Monday. The chosen Democratic nominee is holding a couple of rallies and a few stops in Pennsylvania today.

During the rally, Kamala thought it would be a good idea to lead a chant to get out the vote.

Kamala started chanting, “Let’s vote!” Then quickly switched to, “Let’s get out the vote! Let’s get out the vote!…” It was confusing and no one joined in. Such a cringe.

Kamala is so lacking in leadership skills that she can’t even lead a chant.

Of course, she started laughing when it was over. So bad.

Video via Midnight Rider.

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