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CNN’s First Electoral Map Projection of 2024 Shows Trump Positioned to Win the Election | The Gateway Pundit

CNN’s First Electoral Map Projection of 2024 Shows Trump Positioned to Win the Election | The Gateway Pundit

CNN’s first projection of the Electoral College map is great news for Trump and not good at all for Biden.

Trump is already over 270 based on current polling data.

Does everyone remember in 2016 when the left threw a six month long fit about the Electoral College after Trump won? We may have to go through that again a year from now as Trump is being sworn in.

RedState reports:

CNN’s First Electoral Map Shows Biden in Big Trouble, Trump in Position to Win

CNN has come out with its first electoral map of the campaign season and the “Road to 270.” The map is based on polling and other factors they detailed.

And it is that path to 270 that we attempt to explore here. We base this current outlook on public and private polling, conversations with campaign advisers, Republican and Democratic political operatives, members of Congress, and political professionals involved with outside groups poised to be active in the race.

First, let’s start by saying how hilarious it is that they spent multiple paragraphs downplaying the map before they even started talking about it. Here’s a small sample.

This is an exercise designed to capture where the race stands today. If we have learned anything in recent American political history, it is to expect the unexpected. We don’t even know for certain if Biden and Trump will be the two major party nominees in the fall. However, since that appears to be the likeliest choice at this point, we have explored this initial outlook through the lens of a Biden vs. Trump race. Future versions of this outlook will similarly reflect the realities of the race, as best we can assess them at the time.

Take a look below:

November is still many months away but it’s nice to see things trending the right way for Trump.

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