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BREAKING: Whistleblower Claims Michael Avenatti Reportedly Revealed Michael Cohen Was Having Affair With Stormy Daniels Since 2006—Cooked Up Hush Money Scheme To Extort Trump Before 2016 Election | The Gateway Pundit


Tony Seruga is a very popular commentator on Twitter. In his profile, the conservative commentator with over 77K followers, Mr. Seruga, states that he’s an Intel Ops CIA/NSA Contractor/Whistleblower.

This afternoon, Mr. Seruga dropped a bombshell, and if true, it could blow up the whole Stormy Daniels affair with Trump lie that the mainstream media and Democrats have been clinging to since 2015.

Tony Seruga claims he used to share office space with the convicted felon and former attorney, Michael Avenatti, who represented porn star Stormy Daniels in her case alleging that then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump paid her hush money to keep their alleged “affair” out of the public.

Seruga’s tweet begins: “I spoke with Michael Avenatti, who at one time had an office in the same building as one of my businesses in Newport Beach, CA (in November 2018, a few days after his arrest on suspicion of domestic violence, Avenatti’s law firm was evicted from those same offices in Newport Beach after skipping $213,000 worth of rent payments.).”

He explained how the conversation between him and the dirty lawyer, Michael Avenatti, was initiated:
“Avenatti was working a long con against Tully’s Coffee and actor Patrick Dempsey. Avenatti Global Baristas, the parent company of the Tully’s coffee chain that was founded by Michael Avenatti, had agreed to never again use the Tully’s name, but Avenatti was lying.

He wanted to use my trademark attorney Rod Underhill to take control of the Tully’s Coffee name and trademarks. I learned later it was yet another attempt to extort money from Keurig Green Mountain.”

Here’s where Seruga’s story gets to be very interesting as it relates to Stormy Daniels and former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, “In any case, Avenatti shared details of his client Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, case and the fact that her and Michael Cohen were actually having an affair since 2006.”

And then, Seruga drops a bombshell:

“The whole hush money scheme was cooked up by Michael Cohen to extort the Trump Organization before the 2016 election. Avenatti seemed pleased at how deviant Michael Cohen was.”

Seruga followed up his first tweet by explaining how the shady lawyer Michael Avenatti bragged about the scheme more than once and even bragged about it to former NBA star Dennis Rodman on the patio in Corona Del Mar, CA. In addition to being one of the all-time best defensive players in the NBA, Dennis Rodman is known for his relationship with Madonna and his unusual friendship with North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un. So, it’s pretty easy to believe Rodman could be friends with the flamboyant CA lawyer Michael Avenatti.

“Understand, Michael Avenatti is a serial liar, but he did speak about his client (that he would later steal from) and Michael Cohen’s affair touching on their scheme to bilk the Trump Organization out of money. He spoke about it on more than one occasion. He was very passionate that Trump had not signed the NDA making it null and void. One time, in fact, he was bragging about it to Dennis Rodman at the Port Restaurant out on the patio, in Corona Del Mar, CA. I was only half listening as I had heard it all before, but Dennis Rodman seemed engaged in the conversation.”

Another popular Twitter personality from California, who goes by “SL,” had this to say about the Dennis Rodman and Michael Avenatti conversation that allegedly occurred at the Port Restaurant in California.

Interesting. I know Dennis Rodman visits Port Restaurant on occasion since I had a conversion [conversation] [with] him there around 2015/2016. Likely to be a true story.

On Monday, when asked by reporters, President Trump said that he would testify in the alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels’ trial in NYC that was brought against him by the rabidly anti-Trump,] but soft-on-actual criminals DA Alvin Bragg.

“I would have no problem testifying,” Trump said. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Trump also suggested that he’s planning to appeal the trial date set for April 15 and said he’s unsure if there will even be a trial following his appeals.

This is just one more case in a long string of ridiculous cases without merit that are being brought against the most popular presidential candidate in America. The Left has no other options but to tie him up in court and hope to bankrupt President Trump, his family, and his business as they force Trump to defend himself against one bogus charge after another.

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