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Bob Costas Goes on Unhinged Rant, Calls Trump Supporters “Toxic Cult” – Says Trump is “The Most Disgraceful Figure in Modern Presidential History” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Bob Costas, former sportscaster for NBC, appeared on CNN’s “Smerconish” early Saturday bashing President Trump and his millions of supporters.

He said that Trump supporters were a “toxic cult” and claimed that Trump himself was the “most disgraceful figure in modern presidential history.”

He also expressed disapproval of Joe Biden running for reelection only for the concern that Trump would win the election against him for being weak.

Fox News reported:

Former NBC Sports broadcaster Bob Costas unloaded on former President Trump during a recent TV appearance, calling him the “most disgraceful figure in modern presidential history.”

The journalist appeared on CNN’s “Smerconish” on Saturday morning, where he laid into Trump and his supporters, which he also called a “toxic cult.”

Additionally, he handed President Biden a stiff rebuke for running for office again, claiming that Biden is risking plunging the country into “insanity” under Trump by not stepping aside and letting someone stronger run against the 45th president.

“You come at this from a position of not wanting to see Trump get elected. You should state that at the outset. True?” Michael Smerconish asked Costas.

“Yes, absolutely. He is by far the most disgraceful figure in modern presidential history. He’s only become more disgraceful since 2016 and since 2020. He’s a bubbling cauldron of loathsome traits. You have to be in the throws of some sort of toxic delusion in a toxic cult to believe that Donald Trump has ever been in any sense emotionally, psychologically, intellectually or ethically fit to be President of the United States,” Costas replied.


Costas had made comments about Biden and how he could be perceived if he stepped aside from running for a second term.

“He had a chance to be seen as a statesman and a patriot. Now his legacy is likely to be that of a man whose hubris prevented him from seizing the moment in an appropriate way, and at best, he can squeak by Trump – that’s at best,” Fox News reported.

Costas made reference to Biden being weak and implied another candidate should run against Trump.

He continued hurling insults at President Trump by calling him a “monster.”

“Trump is a monster. You shouldn‘t send this guy out there at this point in his life to try and slay the dragon,” Fox News reported.

This isn’t surprising behavior on the part of the left considering President Trump is leading in a recent Harris X poll 9 points over Biden.

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