An aboriginal dwelling such as this in a remote NT community should not exist when the annual federal government budget for the Aboriginal industry is nearly $40 billion. Where has the money gone?
The National Indigenous Australians Agency provides a list of all federal grants to Aboriginal and Islander groups across Australia to the Senate Finance and Administration Legislation Committee on a six-monthly basis.
We were fortunate to get a 269 page copy of this massive expenditure for the period January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023. The tally of these endless numbers of grants proved too difficult to calculate but we hazard a guess at it being more than $250 million.
This staggering amount represents only the first six months however some payments exceed these dates into the second half of 2023.
Meanwhile in Australia we have thousands of Australians homeless, children living in poverty which governments choose to ignore, cost of living out of reach for many while the three per cent indigenous minority receives hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funded federal grants listed below for a period of just 6 months. A random selection from the massive list was $1,839,793.40 for indigenous Social and Emotional Wellbeing. Are you comfortable with this?
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