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Another Monarch victim tells her story –

Another Monarch victim tells her story –
Low-level celebrity compromiser P Diddy with some of his “clients”.


SO 60 Minutes, in between your next features on some “sensational celebrity”, when are you going to tell the story of the Monarch sex slave celebrities?

To your credit, way back in 2021 you revealed the monstrous doings of pedophile Peter Scully and in 1989 Ian Leslie interviewed the 15-year-old English girl named ‘Teresa’ who detailed her experience of satanic ritual abuse. 60 Minutes even exposed a shocking small-town satanic cult in the Queensland town of Warwick, whose members chopped up a yard-full of sheep for the hell of it.

These stories and a few others over the last few decades are what the CIA would call a “limited hangout”. Yes, they told some shocking truths but they never went near the real story that we at Cairns News (and others) have exposed – the use of Monarch mind-control and satanic ritual abuse as a political tool by elite families of society.

In the last few weeks we told the story of Belgian sex slave Anneke Lucas, who appeared on the semi-mainstream channel run by Patrick Ben David aka PBD Broadcasts. Anneke shared how she was given into the Belgian satanic pedophile circles by her psychotic mother and then “adopted” by banker David Rockefeller who “trained” her.

Rockefeller then took Anneke to an island off the North Eastern coast of the US to meet his “senior”, the late Evelyn de Rothschild, from whom he sought permission to turn Anneke into a celebrity sex slave using the created persona of a “singing star”. (Incidentally, the creation of persona is considered a business strategy these days)

And so it was also with Nathalie Augustina, a fashion model celebrated for her striking physical beauty who did shootings for prestigious magazines and photographers, shows for Dior, Cartier, Issey Miyake, Chanel, Kenzo, Comme des Garçon and many other famous designers. She was also booked by “Diners Club” for luxury fashion catalogs which are exclusively made and only available for “high-class society”.

But the life of glamour was illusory. After Nathalie became the darling of high-ranking politicians, moguls, powerful business executives, famous actors and singers, royalty and members of some of the richest families of this world, she was drugged for elite sex parties and raped by many of them.

Most modeling agencies, says her editor Robin de Ruiter, are little less than whorehouses, and the bookers are their pimps. Models are beaten, get their faces cut up or even killed if they spill the beans and tell truth about their handlers and clients. “Many of them died falling from a balcony or in other mysterious ways. Other models did disappear before they got the chance to reveal what is going on behind the scenes. They have never been found,” de Ruiter writes in the Amazon book foreword.

“It is very dangerous for young girls and boys to become part of the fashion world. There is no one who protects them. After reading this book, you will understand that the models agencies cannot be trusted. They are the last to protect the young models.”

And then Augustina drops the bombshell – the information that 60 Minutes et al seem to steer clear from – that many of the “celebrities” that mainstream media so often celebrates are under the control of a diabolical form of systemic abuse, Monarch total mind control programming.

“In this book you will not only gain insights into the world of the Fashion industry, it is also an outstanding piece of information about “Monarch Total Mind Control” programming.

Nathalie was not just a fashion model. Special mind control programs play an important role in the world of fashion. Like many models, Nathalie has undergone “Monarch mind control” programming. This program is able to divide the human psyche into multiple personalities (MPD), all within the same individual. Each personality is able to take over one’s consciousness at any given moment.

“Nathalie has been programmed multifunctional. She has unique features to her system of personalities. She not only has standard Monarch programming, one of the multiple personalities (programmed alters) created within Nathalie was a programmed high class Beta sex slave, exclusively for the super rich. The primary function of Beta models is to provide perverted sex and “Sadism and Masochism”.

Her story shows that she has undergone the Delta military programming as well. She has a special knowledge about warfare, all sorts of military weapons, different guns and ammunition. One of her other personalities knows “Secret Codes for Access” to “internal computers” of intelligence agencies.

During her career as a fashion model, Nathalie not only has been used by the sex industry, but she has been used also by several organizations in fields such as the military and intelligence agencies.

Nathalie has gone through a lot. She did not know that the source of many of the incomprehensible events had to do with her programming. She had no idea that she was a programmed Monarch slave. Nathalie woke up at the age of 36, after having flashbacks. Occurrences that she is aware of nowadays were unknown to her in the past. This is reflected in her story.”

De Ruiter is the author of a series of books dealing with this issue. The topic is becoming well covered, but not quite yet in the mainstream, even if the books do appear on Amazon.

The perpetrators of this modern-day slave trade mostly roam free, like Evelyn de Rothschild did until his death in 2022. Apart from being the Queen’s financial adviser, Rothschild held numerous prominent positions in banking, media, mining, education and health and was a Knight Bachelor title in 1989.

David Sorensen of says that the heavy abuse that these Monarch victims go through strips them of the ability to feel love and in the case of Nathalie, she was used to murder a person. She came out of her mind control through what he called “a supernatural encounter with Christ”.

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