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AI already uses as much energy as a small country

AI already uses as much energy as a small country

by Prestigious-Novel401

The energy needed to support data storage is expected to double by 2026, as investors we should look into companies with strong fundamentals that can and will provide a solution for an energy crisis that is around the corner.

We can capitalise on this opportunity while supporting the right companies.

We live in the digital age, where many of the processes that guide our lives are hidden from us inside computer code. We are watched by machines behind the scenes that bill us when we cross toll bridges, guide us across the internet, and deliver us music we didn’t even know we wanted.

As the world heats up toward increasingly dangerous temperatures, we need to conserve as much energy as we can get to lower the amount of climate-heating gases we put into the air.

One of the areas with the fastest-growing demand for energy is the form of machine learning (generative AI), which requires a lot of energy for training and a lot of energy for producing answers to queries. Training a large language model like OpenAI’s GPT-3, for example, uses nearly 1,300 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity, the annual consumption of about 130 US homes.

The energy crisis is coming what’s your plan guys.

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