Help us help defend free speech and save democracy from the World Economic Forum planned Totalitarian Great Reset and help us expose the Covid Fraudsters.
We are a not for profit Independent Media Group, which survives off donations & subscribers.
Independent Media is critical to help stop the “Great Reset Totalitarian Agenda“,pushed by the Globalists elites, who care little for you, your family, or your country, and unless stopped will destroy democracy, remove our civil liberties, and human rights,lock us all into a track and trace surveillance police state. They’ll continue to force dangerous, ineffective and total unnecessary vaccinations,upon you, for falsified pandemics, designed to remove any rights you have to travel or even gain employment, (already have) unless you submit to medical intervention’s.
The Globalists own most of the Mainstream Media, and or,control large sections of it.
Without Independent Media, the truth would be censored completely. Our society would already have been completely taken over by the Globalists.
We risk our freedoms, to publish the truth, but we all will lose them if we don’t.
Please support us big or small, and when you do, please think about what is your freedom, your children’s and grandchildren’s freedom, and your right to live a decent life,worth. We are at war unfortunately, and it’s an information war. A war we can win,and must win for the future of humanity. Free speech must be defended at all costs.
Only Dictators, and Globalist Billionaire elites, who want total control, will disagree.
Although we are a not for profit Independent media outlet,we have to cover at least some of our operating costs to be sustainable.The balance of costs are covered by our Founder & donors.
Although we have most of our articles publicly available for free,especially in the past, as we move forward,more and more articles will only be accessible to our paying subscribers
It’s only $2 per week or $8 per month charged in USD.
If you pay yearly in advance it’s $96 & you receive additional bonus’s if paying in advance.
Or you can opt to pay a lifetime membership subscription,for only $259,which over 10 years works out at $2 per month,or $25.90 per year,and helps us greatly to fund our journalistic work.
Yes that’s correct.
This valuable online educational resource, is included for those that take the yearly in advance subscription or lifetime subscription, and register inside 72 hours of coming to the subscription page offer
Plus you also receive a free online teenager scholarship to 21st Century U
Yes that is correct. You can check out our social media free speech platform,which has had over 250,000 posts in its first year of operation,and 50,000 users,and growing organically.
Yes.Simply see the public address here
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Yes.See our bank details on this page,or for certain currencies,simply email to request if we have a bank account set up in your country to pay to,or you may need to pay to one of our international bank accounts.
You can also be a donor by simply making a donation from as little as $5 per month
How to help save someone, who has taken the COVID-19 jabs, before it’s too late.
The initial program is a 12 month subscription which includes access to the TruthMed library of ever expanding knowledge shared by leading independent Doctors and Scientists, including their medical protocols to help those suffering spike protein poisoning from the deadly Covid vaccines, to recover. And also to help better protect the unvaccinated, from the potential spike protein infections, often caused by simply coming into contact with the recently vaccinated (shedding often occurs for 30-40 days after being vaccinated and can infect the unvaccinated, according to recent studies.)
Pay monthly being $8 per month,
Only $2 per week
pay yearly, being $96 per year and also receive additional bonus’s such as 21st Century U for you and your nominated teenager.