After a dynamic “Year of the Wood Dragon” in 2024, the creative force in the cycle of life continues with the “Wood Snake” of 2025.
After every flurry of activity comes a retreat to regroup and recharge. This repose provides space and time to reflect upon where we are in the scheme of things and ascertain how a task, goal, or thing can be manifested in a more perfect way or form. Such is the situation as we leave the Dragon and enter a new lunar year—the Year of the Snake.
Coming off a dynamic Year of the Wood Dragon in 2024, the creative force in the cycle of life continues with the Wood Snake, albeit this year with more caution as the Year of the Snake brings a new energetic influence to the table that is more circumspect and introspective.
The Dragon Versus the Snake
While the dragon that precedes the snake is flashy and energetic, the charming and graceful snake is cool, mysterious, and subtle in manner and behavior. Owing to its suspicious and insecure nature, the snake is a guarded, cautious, and keen observer who reflects on events and notices things. Whereas dragon energy is bold, ambitious, and charismatic, snake energy is more refined and elegant. Snake achieves refinement (hence perfection) through reflection and the pursuit of knowledge.
Often referred to in Chinese folklore as the Little Dragon, the snake—especially the 2025 Wood Snake—is as ambitious and determined as the fearless dragon. Both are unwilling to accept defeat, but Snake’s calculating demeanor is more cautious and reserved.
In the celestial scheme of how energy flows, and nature grows, the snake is the first of the three fire element animals in the Chinese zodiac cast of characters.
The Fire Element
The fire element’s influence on nature brings creative efforts to fruition. The planning and organizing influence of the Tiger, Rabbit, and Dragon preceding Snake puts into motion and creates a pathway for an idea, endeavor, or a thing to become what it is destined to be. The planted seed becomes the ripened fruit. While the fruit is in constant transformation from its moment of conception, the ripened fruit is its ultimate transformation and expression and its highest level of achievement and value. Thus, the fire element is associated with a type of nirvana—the final beatitude, so to speak—along with the sense of joy and gratitude one experiences having achieved.
Fire holds a multitude of symbolic interpretations. In literature, mythology, and religions, fire has long been associated with energy, a higher power and empowerment. As a force that can create, destroy, purify, and cleanse, fire is a catalyst for change. Thus, it is a symbol of transformation and renewal.
Driving away darkness, the flames of fire illuminate and enlighten, bringing knowledge, wisdom, imagination, inspiration and an awakening of the spirit. Often used as a metaphor for personal growth or spiritual transformation, fire symbolizes the sacred and the divine spark within each individual—where passion originates along with a burning desire for love, success, and achievement.
The Snake
Snakes in Celtic and other cultures are associated with good luck, prosperity, fertility, and longevity. In some legends, they are considered divine messengers or guardians of sacred places—no doubt due to their perceptive nature.
The philosopher snake brings wise and intuitive energy to any situation, endeavor, and community. A valuable addition to your team or board of advisors, the snake is calm, deliberate, and observant—often noticing details others miss. They rarely act impulsively and can keep a cool head in situations of crisis. Given their passion for the pursuit of knowledge, they become experts.
Snakes are great thinkers—complex problems stimulate them. Wood snakes are excellent problem-solvers and thrive under tight deadlines. A skilled communicator, clever, eloquent, and resourceful, the snake has a natural talent for leadership and can inspire others to follow the vision.
The snake is often linked to wealth and financial success. Your career or endeavor this year can benefit from the calculated energy of the snake. If you strategize well (like a wood snake does), 2025 could bring favorable outcomes in business and life. The snake influence beckons pause before charging ahead. Be the snake this year: Stop, reflect, and make well-thought-out moves before charging ahead.
Let the wood-snake fire energy ignite the spark of motivation and drive in you. However, the Year of the Snake is about working smarter, not harder. It is a year to focus on intellectual pursuits and self-improvement. The operative word is refinement—aim for perfection. This is the year to show maturity and wisdom in your decisions.
Snakes are harbingers of new beginnings. Revered for their ability to shed their skin and emerge with a new appearance, the Year of the Snake holds the promise of renewal and refinement. Use this transformative energy and let go of old habits and fixed ideas. Become a better you.
2025 is a good year for personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Tune out the dark forces and tune in to the light, and you will find happiness. Harness the snake’s intuitive and introspective nature and explore self-care and improvement practices like meditation, yoga, and breathing. Get in touch with nature and your soul. If you are troubled, find your passion—and do it.
Remember that the strength of a snake lies not in its bite but in its enduring will. The might of serpents is their silent resilience in a turbulent world.
“Wisdom is akin to a serpent: silent, perceptive, and profound.” Matthew 10:16