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The People’s Revolution. Strength & Power in Unity


The People’s Revolution. Strength & Power in Unity

By Newzealand Times

The operation by the QLD Police to continuously harass and intimidate my family and myself, has only fueled my fire.

– They came for my driver’s license and ignored hard evidence that they were wrong and issued a summons to court.
– They detained and released me, assaulted me, then arrested and un-arrested me, as part of an unlawful arrest, before releasing me without charge.
– They confiscated my firearms and firearm license, citing ridiculous claims.

I’m now in a clearer frame of mind and feeling more determined than ever, because the operation which we saw take place in Brisbane on Monday, with officers from the Sunshine Coast, Redcliffe, Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich and Gold Coast in attendance, with multiple police helicopters, trail bikes, ATV’s and now the constant personal attacks, is obvious proof that We the People, are making ground and we have them worried.

This is not aimed at individual officers within the QPS.

They are simply pawns, being used to implement a new society based on total control and the total surveillance of the people.

This does not excuse them from being ignorant to the fact, that what they are partaking in, is the oppression of Men and Women, that are standing against governmental overreach and standing for the rights and freedoms of future generations.

Our Human Rights may only be limited by control measures, which are in proportion with the risks involved. ONE dead in QLD in 2021, from the C19 cold, but we’re locked in our homes like prisoners.

Time to take our country back, folks.

Heads up guys, stand strong and remember we are rallying for the freedoms and rights of our future generations.

Here’s what others had to say: 

Rajka Zec Resanović
Hey Triccy, where do we order the shirts and whats the pricing?

Linda Cause
My federal PM only responded after 8 emails and 2 messages and then told me people standing up against the needle and the other measures are grandstanding for their own attention. He’s all for everything the govt are doing.

Robert Kruk
Dammm u pissed off some ppl mate

Free-Bee Fi
As long as we all stand together we will get through this, you are braver than most men I know, much love to you and your family xx.

Winter Fae
Keep going triccy were getting bigger all the time.

Winter Fae
If I had a hero u would be it mate.

Renee Mechelle
Bless you for everything you do.. just remember, evil never lasts forever! Stay strong in your honour and have faith and trust that a higher power is taking care of you and your mission.

Lucy Lockyer
You re a good man Triccy, brave and honest.

Cj Hartley
So much love and gratitude.

Michael Adam
Stay blessed and much much Love.

Kyle Dickinson
this is what they do, they target and single out “key” players and in doing so think they are silencing the pack – normally, in nature that would be the case, you dont need to take out the whole wolf pack, just the alpha – then the rest will surrender – the problem is, this bloke needs 100% commitment to the cause. the moment there is any doubt the vultures will swarm an target – divide and conquer was the tactics is Egyptian and Roman times – thousand’s of years ago, surely with technology and what we have at our fingertips now we aren’t better than that?? UNITED WE STAND!!! let’s not let our grandfathers and the generation before them down, they gave their lives for our freedom.

Original Source

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