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The difference between wellness and illness is “we” and “I”


The difference between wellness and illness is “We” and “I”.

By Anthony Golle

Wellness comes from our honouring the connection between ourselves and every other living being. The mere thought of social distancing goes against the essence of nature itself.

All part of the plan to indoctrinate and domesticate. Dots on the ground telling you where to stand like an animal in the circus. No science to back up why 1.5 m (especially considering the test has to shove a stick so deep into your nasal cavity it almost touches your brain) … but that’s just to collect your DNA.

The elephant as a baby was controlled by just a stake in the ground tethered to a rope.

Now as an adult … it could walk away unencumbered to its freedom by exercising its intelligence and strength.

Yet the conditioning over the years of its beliefs – imprisons this magnificent creature still clinging to the small stake in the ground.

Oh but the ringmaster gives us food and shelter. Yes – and you are deeply empty inside, not fulfilling your heart and nature’s desires. You are not truly free under governance with the handouts and incentives.

So next comes the debt removal. So long as you get the test, take the vax, wear the mask, and live under the regime. Otherwise off to quarantine camp for you dear.

What will you choose? Are you free?







Original Source

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